Edhel subspecies

Key terms:

Edhel - any being or species that posseses the gift of Cuivië

the Edhelrim - all edhels in existence

Gift of Cuivië (Coivann) - the inborn telepathic abilities of the Edhelrim

Xeno - those who aren’t edhel

Ilanorim - pureblood edhels, those who don’t have any xeno ancestor in 7 generations and are not hybrid

Hybrids (linagarim) - those who have a considerable amount of xeno DNA in their genetic make up

Glanirim - those subspecies and persons who haven’t been genetically modified except for medical reasons

Soarim (often insultingly called dirties) - originally edhel species who’s DNA has been tainted by genetic modification (medical genetic modification doesn’t count). Even some still have the gift of cuivie they’re often classed seperately.

Argwaith (high species)- those who aren’t edhel but show borderline supernatural gifts (Ikaraneans, for example)

Arlinagarim - hybrids who’s xeno DNA is of a higher species




Name: Velari
Purity: Glanirim
Classification: edhelrim
Blood: Ilanorim
Coivann: base (all others are compared to theirs)

Description: the Velari are the progenitor species of all Edhelrim. They’re often referred to as the firstborn children of the Ainarim because of that. They’re used as a baseline to differentiate and compare the different subspecies of the Edhelrim as all originate from them. Their Coivann is the base of all others. It manifests itself almost purely as telepathic empathy, but with age and training is able to develop features characteristic to some other subspecies, like foresight. They’re the dominant edhel subspecies, being found everywhere in the Gil-atarnië and making up approximately 60% of Calerost’s population.


Name: Ellon
Purity: variates, most often Glanirim
Classification: Edhelrim
Blood: hybrid
Coivann: weakened base

Description: Ellon are the hybrids of Edhels (most often Velari) and humans. Visually they’re very hard to differentiate from Velari or other subspecies but usually have shorter, more rounded ears and age faster. Their Coivann usually reflects the base coivann with elements of other traits if they originate from a non velari sub species but is weakened, most often greatly. Ellon can mostly be found on planets along the weisserstein border, almost always making up less than 20% of the edhel population on them, or in Weisserstein itself, but smaller communities exist elsewhere (a notable one exists on Ilanor)


Name: Eliari
Purity: Glanirim
Classification: Edhelrim
Blood: Ilanorim
Coivann: strengthened base, most prominently in their telepathy

Description: the Eliari are the edhels of mirial space. Descendant from the original Velari who set up habitats, stations and temples in mirial space, the exposure to mirial space has altered them. Their skincolor ranges from pale to blue, their hair is most often white but can also be colored in the same way as their skin, and eye color ranges between blue and green. Their coivann is stronger than base, granting them slight foresight which greatly fastens their reflexes. In some stronger cases they’re able to tap into the minds of others, giving them the ability to implant intrusive thoughts or compulsions into the minds of others, but notably unlike the silefrim they can’t read minds. They’re mostly found in colonies and temples in mirial space, but are found all around realspace calerost too, most notably on Tartirion station.


Name: Södin
Purity: Glanirim
Classification: Edhelrim
Blood: Arlinagarim
Coivann: base, enhanced by Safarkran and Mosarkan inplants

Description: the Södin are hybrids of Edhels (subspecies plays very little effect on their appearance and abilities) and Ikaranareans. Their most defining feature is their darker skin and common presence of yellow eye color, which is extremely uncommon in most other subspecies of the Edhelrim. Normally they have base coivann, which is uncommon for hybrids, but this can be further enhanced by Safarkran and Mosarkan implants. Besides the effects the implants have on pureblood Ikaranareans, Safarkran increases the power of their telepathy, increasing the range and and abilities (to the level of low percentage silefrim), while Mosarkan allows and enhances aggressive telepathy, allowing a high degree of telepathic torture and pain (using this ability for a extended period of time or at high strengths can have negative side effects though).


I just realized that I don’t have the physical characteristics of edhels written down anywhere, so I’ll write them down here. Note these apply for Ilanorim edhels, it changes in hybrids.

Average height - males 183cm, females 170cm

Skin color - depends on subspecies, for velari same range as humans

Hair color - brown, ginger, white, blonde, black, blueish, etc. hair dying is also common extending the range

Eye color - brown, green, blue, gray, orange, purple, pink, yellow, red. Procedures exist to change eye color though

Breathing: oxygen, 15% by volume in the air minimum, 25% optimal

Life span: 197 earth years on average

Maturity: they mentally mature at the same rate as humans, but slower physically. A 20 year old edhel would for example physically resemble a 15 to 16 year old human, a 14 year old edhel would look like a 10 year old human. They’re considered adults at 20 years old.

Biological sexes: 2

Aging: as mentioned previously edhels physically mature and age slower than humans. At 40 years old (visually resembling a 25 to 30 year old human) they seem to visually stop to age untill they’re 150.

Other: Compared to humans edhels are on average physically stronger, more agile and have more developed senses. Environmental characteristics during pregnancy and childhood can change physical traits of a edhel child (for example if the mother is exposed to more UV radiation and higher hears during pregnancy the child’s skin color will be darker and ears longer.