Key terms:
Edhel - any being or species that posseses the gift of Cuivië
the Edhelrim - all edhels in existence
Gift of Cuivië (Coivann) - the inborn telepathic abilities of the Edhelrim
Xeno - those who aren’t edhel
Ilanorim - pureblood edhels, those who don’t have any xeno ancestor in 7 generations and are not hybrid
Hybrids (linagarim) - those who have a considerable amount of xeno DNA in their genetic make up
Glanirim - those subspecies and persons who haven’t been genetically modified except for medical reasons
Soarim (often insultingly called dirties) - originally edhel species who’s DNA has been tainted by genetic modification (medical genetic modification doesn’t count). Even some still have the gift of cuivie they’re often classed seperately.
Argwaith (high species)- those who aren’t edhel but show borderline supernatural gifts (Ikaraneans, for example)
Arlinagarim - hybrids who’s xeno DNA is of a higher species