Continent and Ocean Name Votes

I believe it’s time to start the voting process for the continents and ocean names of Pacifica. We will do one vote per continent and ocean, due to the quantity of suggestions.

Please, use the thread of Origin of Humans and Continent/Ocean Suggestions for further discussions as to not clutter this one.

We start with the first continent, Continent A. With its area being located in the northern most latitudes, its large size, only second among the Pacifican landmasses, and its characteristic tibetan-like mountain range near the northern pole, it’s a rather interesting location.

These are the suggestions:

  1. Karimera
    (Exp.: Based on Kari/Hammer or Ikonen respectively for the rp-er with the many names, who most famously roleplayed as Hammerstar and Huawan)

  2. Ikona
    (Exp.: Based on Kari/Hammer or Ikonen respectively for the rp-er with the many names, who most famously roleplayed as Hammerstar and Huawan)

  3. Septentria
    (Exp. Latin ~ Septentrio → Northern land)

  4. Septentrionalis
    (Exp. Latin ~ Septentrio → Northern land)

  5. Ikitia
    (Exp. From Inuktitut “qikiqtaq”, meaning island, and remove all q, add ia. The northern peoples name the penisular part that, before knowing it wasn’t an island. It later refers to the whole)

  6. Exyaz
    (Exp. Comes from a possible native language with a so far unknown etymology made by modifying .xyz in honour of the old forums)

  7. Karaitheia
    (No explanation provided)

  8. Cabasillm Nord
    (No explanation provided)

Please vote your 3 most liked suggestions before October 5th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the continent for a long time, you’ll have a week to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.

  • Karimera
  • Ikona
  • Septentria
  • Septentrionalis
  • Ikitia
  • Exyaz
  • Karaitheia
  • Cabasillm Nord
0 voters

I believe the vote has gone fast enough to claim a week isn’t required, so we will change it to today being the last day, and next votes lasting just 3 days.


We continue with Continent B. Continent B can be described by its vast, relatively flat area, its large number of peninsulas, its two interior lakes, its thin istmus connecting it to Karimera, and its western andean-type mountain range.

These are the suggestions:

  1. Dernsia
    (Exp.: Based on Qwert’s rp-name “Derrns Botnienn”)

  2. Bottnia
    (Exp.: Based on Qwert’s rp-name “Derrns Botnienn”)

  3. Arica
    (Exp. Named after a navigator called Rigo Aricò aka Amerigo Vespucci moment)

  4. Zhonga
    (Exp. Derived from Mandarin “Zhong”, meaning middle, center.)

  5. Sormia
    (No explanation provided)

  6. Ectahn
    (No explanation provided)

  7. Cabasillm Sud
    (No explanation provided)

Continent B
  • Dernsia
  • Bottnia
  • Arica
  • Zhonga
  • Sormia
  • Ectahn
  • Cabasillm Sud
0 voters

Please vote your 3 most liked suggestions before October 8th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the continent for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.


We got a stalemate, so we’ll break it with another vote:

Stalemate vote
  • Arica
  • Bottnia
0 voters

Continent C is the second smallest continent in Pacifica, just behind Crabry. With its prominent bay, large archipelago and its location far away from any other land masses, it just might be a great place for sea-faring nations.

These are the suggestions:

  1. Carideia
    (Exp: Shrimp are belonging to the subclass of “Caridae” biologically. Meme suggestion)

  2. Ceretania
    (Exp. Renaming it to honour the original map maker and perhaps free up the current Ceretanian plot while still honouring the maker.)

  3. Meridionalia
    (Exp. Counterpart to IRL Australia but based on the synonym ‘Meriodionalis’ of ‘Australis’.)

  4. Meridia
    (Exp. Counterpart to IRL Australia but based on the synonym ‘Meriodionalis’ of ‘Australis’.)

  5. Lasgesuide
    (Exp. Derived from my approximate butchering the German word “Langenscheidt”, meaning chaos. Since the continent might evolve differently from the rest of the world.)

  6. Irvid
    (Exp. Irvidic Ocean was Qwert’s proposed name for the ocean to the west of Cordilia. There was no specific etymology.)

  7. Ayyatakan
    (No explanation provided)

  8. Fruitland
    (No explanation provided)

Continent C name
  • Carideia
  • Ceretania
  • Meridionalia
  • Meridia
  • Lasgesuide
  • Irvid
  • Ayyatakan
  • Fruitland
0 voters

Please vote your 3 most liked suggestions before October 12th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the continent for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions (Although for @Maverick, please vote at least one suggestion that isn"t yours, since you gave 3 yourself)


Continent D isn’t really a continent, but an archipelago of unprecedented scale in the North Pacific Ocean extending thousands of kilometers, probably the largest volcanic formation in Pacifica.

These are the suggestions:

  1. Sunset Islands
    (Exp.: Keeping the tradition set by the Rainbow Islands alive. Also doesn’t this collection of islands, in their shape, remind a little of Japan, which is the “sunrise land”?)

  2. Ilionesia
    (Exp. Greek ~ ilios nisi → Sun islands)

  3. Rainelands
    (Exp. With Gianni bringing up the Sunset Island, what if it’s the other way around? What create rainbows? Water droplets and Sun light. Since we already have the sun, so… RAIN. We could do a tresure map thing with that too. “Below the Raine where the Sun shines brighter (nearer the equator), the treasured Rainbow is psomewhere (pun intended) out there".)

  4. Raine Islands
    (Exp. With Gianni bringing up the Sunset Island, what if it’s the other way around? What create rainbows? Water droplets and Sun light. Since we already have the sun, so… RAIN. We could do a tresure map thing with that too. “Below the Raine where the Sun shines brighter (nearer the equator), the treasured Rainbow is psomewhere (pun intended) out there".)

  5. Tangent Islands
    (Exp. The archipelago looks like a straight line that would fit as a tangent to the Rainbow Islands)

  6. Guadaluos Islands
    (No explanation provided)

  7. Faahrds
    (Exp. A name opening to new worldbuilding opportunities, but mainly constituent of a pronuncial impression of it; try pronouncing it for yourself, “faa-hrd-s”. building on the given idea of “fire islands”, the landmass “D” did give off a scar, or a holdout.)

  8. Falistar et Pyhdis Fault Archipelago-Sillm
    (Exp. “Falistar” meaning Starborn, “et” is French for And, “Pyhdis” means “Collection of Mountainous Islands”, “Fault” meaning Shallow, “Archipelago” meaning “Large and Long”, and “Sillm” meaning Continent. Literally: “The Large, Long, Starborn Collection of Mountainous Island and Shallow Rivers”)

Continent D Name Vote
  • Sunset Islands
  • Ilionesia
  • Rainelands
  • Raine Islands
  • Tangent Islands
  • Guadaluos Islands
  • Faahrds
  • Falistar et Pyhdis Fault Archipelago-Sillm
0 voters

Please vote your 3 most liked suggestions before October 16th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the continent for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.


Continent E features a southern island of large size; multiple, small mountain ranges; and three small lakes in the interior. Added to this, the continent is separated from Continent F by a large lake.

These are the suggestions:

  1. Monkeria
    (Exp. Unicorn - Old Greek: monókeros.)

  2. Seraphia
    (Exp. Meme suggestion; Seraph has been a former semi-influential roleplayer. His name would be fitting for a continent looking like a magical creature.)

  3. Garisia
    (Exp. Greek ~ Garida → shrimp / mother of shrimps)

  4. Garasia
    (Exp. Greek ~ Garida → shrimp / mother of shrimps)

  5. Stepe
    (Exp. From the Eurasian Steppe, the continent is an extension of F. kinda like the Steppe for Europe. Also, Tin (Holy Free) imagined a lot of grassland there.)

  6. Tesperpa
    (Exp. /tis-per-puh/ - inserted some vowels in TSPRP, honouring the community and the RP server.)

  7. Zarkalaros
    (No explanation provided)

  8. East Avajasyllia
    (Exp. “Ava” meaning “Lake-Birthed”, “Jasy” being “Rocky” and “Syllia” meaning “Land of the Hilly Kind”. Literally “The Eastern Lake-Birthed Rocky Heathlands”)

Continent E name vote
  • Monkeria
  • Seraphia
  • Garisia
  • Garasia
  • Stepe
  • Tesperpa
  • Zarkalaros
  • East Avajasyllia
0 voters

Please vote your 3 most liked suggestions before October 19th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the continent for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.

1 Like

Continent F is the last entry in the continents list, and the largest continent without competition, both in area and latitudinally, stretching from north to south and effectively dividing Pacifica in two. Its extensiveness and wide array of geographical formations such as mountain ranges, vast plains, and large bays may prompt it to be one of the most diverse continents in terms of ecological regions.

These are the suggestions:

  1. Tazenica
    (Exp.: Named after former map manager Rhinotaz/Taz)

  2. Megalosia
    (Exp. Greek ~ Megalos → Large land)

  3. Nokia
    (Exp. Derived from Finnish “Noki”, meaning soot. Since it’s the biggest continent as far as I can tell… between F. and A… This can also be an alternate name for Pacifica (the planet). (Meme Suggestion))

  4. Yufkielta
    (/yuf-keel-tuh/ - the name is derived from Sedunnic “Jufkielta” meaning New Kielta. Kielta is the Sedunnic name for Transsuneria and comes from the old legends of an ancient Sedunnic explorer who called semi-legendary western lands Kielta.)

  5. Kalakanara
    (No explanation provided.)

  6. West Avajasyllia
    (“Ava” meaning “Lake-Birthed”, “Jasy” being “Rocky” and “Syllia” meaning “Land of the Hilly Kind”. Literally “The Western Lake-Birthed Rocky Heathlands”)

Continent F Name Vote
  • Tazenica
  • Megalosia
  • Nokia
  • Yufkielta
  • Kalakanara
  • West Avajasyllia
0 voters

Please vote your 2 most liked suggestions (due to the few suggestion on this one compared to past entries) before October 23th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the continent for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.

Thank you all so much for your patience! The round for ocean votes will start soon enough.


Now we start with the ocean names votes, in first place, Ocean I.

These are the suggestion:

  1. Sea of New Ryccia
    (Exp.: Ryccia already introduced us to an X-Canon colonial rp back in the days and is also one of the longest standing roleplayers of our community)

  2. Seraphine Sea
    (Exp. Reference to Seraph meaning burning sea)

  3. Rerrown Sea
    (Exp. Derived from Narrow, the people From Continent F and E may have found the strait between them first, then the name later applied to the whole area. The strait part get its own name later.)

  4. The Rerrown
    (Exp. Derived from Narrow, the people From Continent F and E may have found the strait between them first, then the name later applied to the whole area. The strait part get its own name later.)

  5. Helingian Sea
    (Exp. from Helignia, a possible region/nation somewhere there)

  6. Arkalaros Sea
    (No explanation provided.)

  7. Avajasyllia Sea
    (Exp. Sea in between the two Avajasyllia’s, also could mean “Sea of Rocky Heathlands”)

Ocean I Name Vote
  • Sea of New Ryccia
  • Seraphine Sea
  • Rerrown Sea
  • The Rerrown
  • Helingian Sea
  • Arkalaros Sea
  • Avajasyllia Sea
0 voters

Please vote your 3 most liked suggestions before November 1st in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the ocean for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.

1 Like

Suggestions for Ocean II names:

  1. Emilian Ocean
    (Exp. Refers to another long standing roleplayer, Em, who has also had significance on gameside as well)

  2. Keylian Ocean
    (Exp. Circumpolar ocean)

  3. Keylic Ocean
    (Exp. Circumpolar ocean)

  4. Megalosian Ocean
    (No explanation provided)

  5. Jeveric Ocean
    (Exp. From Croatian (and probably other balkan states) “Sjever”, meaning north. Also sounds like Sereva.)

  6. Southern Ocean

  7. Fruitland Ocean
    (Exp. Meaning “Ocean of the Lands of the Fruit”)

Ocean II Name Vote
  • Emilian Ocean
  • Keylian Ocean
  • Keylic Ocean
  • Megalosian Ocean
  • Jeveric Ocean
  • Southern Ocean
  • Fruitland Ocean
0 voters

Please vote your 3 most liked suggestions before November 5th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the ocean for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.

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Suggestions for Ocean III names:

  1. Brutian Ocean
    (Exp.: The South is the Keylian Ocean, the North uses another one of Kyle’s names.)

  2. Frosty Ocean
    (Exp. Naming after the roleplayer Frost)

  3. Shivering Ocean
    (No explanation provided)

  4. Nesjveric Ocean
    (Exp. Add “Ne” from II., means no.)

  5. Ankeylic Ocean
    (Exp. Meaning opposite to Keyli, similar to Arctic/Antarctic)

  6. Arctic Sea
    (No explanation provided)

  7. Masrik Ocean
    (Exp. “Masrik” meaning Frozen, Literally “Frozen Ocean”)

Ocean II Name Vote
  • Brutian Ocean
  • Frosty Ocean
  • Shivering Ocean
  • Nesjveric Ocean
  • Ankeylic Ocean
  • Arctic Sea
  • Masrik Ocean
0 voters

Please vote your 3 most liked suggestions before December 11th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the ocean for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.

PS. Sorry for the hiatus.

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We had a tie:

Ocean III Tie Breaker
  • Ankeylic Ocean
  • Brutian Ocean
0 voters
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The vote for Ocean IV is a bit different. First:

Should the Cordilian Sea be renamed to the West/Western Pacific Ocean?

  • Western Pacific Ocean
  • West Pacific Ocean (usual convention)
  • Keep the name
  • Abstain
0 voters


Should Ocean IV be included in the Cordilian Sea/Western Pacific Ocean/West Pacific Ocean?

  • Aye
  • Nay
  • Abstain
0 voters

Finally, if the Ocean IV isn’t included in the Cordilian Sea/Western Pacific Ocean/West Pacific Ocean, what should be its name? (Take into consideration that if the second poll’s Aye option comes out with absolute majority, this poll won’t be taken into consideration.)

Suggestions for Ocean IV names:

  1. Southern Ilionesian Sea

  2. Noic Sea
    (Exp. From Thai “Noi”, meaning few, and add c.)

  3. Sea of Tribriros
    (No explanation provided)

  4. Falistarfault Ocean
    (Exp. Falistar” meaning Starborn, “Fault” meaning Shallow, Literally “Starborn, Shallow Ocean)

Ocean IV Name Vote
  • Southern Ilionesian Sea
  • Noic Sea
  • Sea of Tribrinos
  • Falistarfault Ocean
0 voters

Please vote your most liked suggestion before December 16th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the ocean for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.

1 Like

Suggestions for Ocean V name:

  1. Faren Sea
    (Exp.: Old roleplayer Farengeto owned the plot now held by georgemoody/Berusturg. Flipped 180°, the shape reminds a little of the shape of sea No. 5)

  2. Mesial Ocean
    (No explanation provided)

  3. Upsilon Ocean
    (Exp. From Upsilon, meaning looks like a “u”.)

  4. Tahnaria Ocean
    (No explanation provided)

  5. Cabasillm Ocean
    (Exp. Sea south of Cabasillm, also could mean “The Sea of Mountainous Peril”)

Ocean V Name Vote
  • Faren Sea
  • Mesial Ocean
  • Upsilon Ocean
  • Tahnaria Ocean
  • Cabasillm Ocean
0 voters

Please vote your 2 most liked suggestions before December 19th in a reasonable manner, what you vote could end up being the official name of the ocean for a long time, you’ll have 3 days to think about each suggestion. You can vote for your own suggestions.