Citizenship Office

At the risk of being condescending, an election is the process by which people take part in choosing their leaders.

Since you applied for and received Citizenship, you were required to vote in elections to maintain Citizenship. You then lost Citizenship because you did not vote, specifically in the election for Prime Minister.

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Leave of Absence Request

Start: 2024-11-27T18:00:00Z
End: 2024-12-02T18:00:00Z
Reason(s): Thanksgiving Travel

hey, could my citizenship nation be changed to NationStates | The Hail slab of Pacific Shores from NationStates | The Slab follower of Drew Durrnil? thanks!

Could my citizenship nation be changed to NationStates | The Penguin Democracy of Social Democrats from NationStates | The Allied States of The Lombard League?

Done and done.