Change the Channel

Channel 101: 101 Ways to Extinguish a Fire Effectively
A channel that does the same things as Channel 100, but better

Channel 102- How to commit arson: International
Broadcasts only the best techniques claimed by the best arsonists, but across the world!

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Channel 103: 103 Ways to Extinguish a Fire Effectively: International

A better and newer version of Channel 100: made after the former firefighters watched channel 102 and almost fainted. Now this is translated into over 30 languages and have a few more ways to extinguish fires!

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Channel 104: How to Fight the Firefighters.

A channel dedicated to those who want to commit arson but cannot because of those pesky firefighters and their stupid channels.

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Channel 105: 105 Ways of How Firefighters Fight Annoying People

Broadcasts all kinds of ways to defeat the people, who have watched channel 104, attacking you while you try to prevent arson.

Channel 106: OMG… Seriously?
A sister channel of channel 82 and 94 that points out overused jokes. I mean arson and firefighters… seriously?
Note: The CEO of Seriously? Productions is appalled that he had to make another one of these channels and requests the networking community to be original.

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107: OMG…. Seriously For Real?
A channel that points out pointing out overused jokes

Channel 108: What…. OMG…. Seriously For Real?
A channel that points out pointing out pointing out overused jokes. I mean ‘OMG’… seriously?

Channel 109: How to: Make Rush Hour Traffic Fun.
A channel talking about to make rush hour enjoyable.

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Channel 110: How to Catch a Taxi Effectively

A channel about catching taxis downtown. Catching them literally with all sorts of tools.


Channel 111-How to burn a taxi effectively
A channel about burning taxis downtown. Burning them literally from the inside AND out.