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Channel 81: AVTV

Planes, planes, and planes! This channel is all about airplanes and aviation history, including Air Crash Investigation, a documentary series about aviation incidents. Airlines based in the South Pacific tend to not include this channel in their aircraft’s in-flight entertainment systems.

Note: The channel denies any allegations that it is a direct ripoff of Channel 63.


Channel 82: Seriously?
A channel that points out overused jokes. I mean planes… seriously?

Channel 83: Honest reactions
This channel shows images of people’s honest reactions to overused jokes.

Channel 84: Dishonest reactions
A Channel showing people’s Dishonest reactions to various events.

Channel 85: Honest Reactions to Dishonest Reactions
This channel shows images of people’s honest reactions to people’s Dishonest reactions to various events.

Channel 86: Random Reactions to Honest Reactions to Dishonest Reactions

This channel shows random reactions to the honest reactions of people to the dishonest reactions to various events.

Channel 87: Dishonest Reactions to Random Reactions to Honest Reactions to Dishonest Reactions
This channel shows dishonest reactions to random reactions to the honest reactions of people to the dishonest reactions to various events.

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Channel 88: Weird Reactions to Dishonest Reactions to Random Reactions to Honest Reactions to Dishonest Reactions

This channel broadcasts weird reactions to dishonest reactions to random reactions to the honest reactions of people to the dishonest reactions to various events.


Channel 89: crime time

Reruns of crime shows. Think law and Oder, csi, forensic files

Channel 90: I Can’t Believe it’s a Miracle!

Shows all the instances of miracles happening in the station owner’s garage.

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Channel 91: I Believe It’s a Disaster!

Shows all sorts of disasters happening outside of the Channel 90 station owner’s garage.

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Channel 92: Oh No!

Shows all reactions to disasters happening outside of Channel 90’s station owner’s garage.


Channel 93: Oh My, Look At Oh No!

This channel shows all sorts of reactions of people who are watching channel 92 in their bed.


Channel 94: Uhhgh… Seriously?
A sister channel of channel 82 that points out overused jokes. I mean reactions… seriously?


Channel 95: Tissues
Broadcasts content with negative psychological effects that will cause a person to weep continuously for 2 days.

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Channel 96: Toilet Paper

Broadcasts content with very funny videos that have positive psychological effects that will cause a person to sit on their toilet laughing continuously for 2 whole hours.

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