Chancellor Müller's state visit to Thalapadis

“I believe that’s all, Admiral. I thank you for the indepth tour of the two Phantoms.” says Chancellor Müller while shaking hands with Admiral Athena. He then turns towards President Valentinos, “I look forward to seeing what your nation has in store, Mr. President, I’d assume that it’ll have something to do with the ekroplanes we’ve heard about. I’ll let you lead the way.” He says to President Antonides

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“we have something about them in the future, chancellor, but before that we need to see the actual planes. That’s the last thing planned for today. We’ll be going to the headquarters of Thalapadian aerospace industries, the company behind the most of our air force. A nother show of what we’re up to on the technology stage. Tomorrow you’ll not only see the ekranoplans, but be probably one of the first people to cross between the islands on one, as we’ll travel to Notilamini.”

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“Well, then. I look forward to seeing the headquarters of the Thalapadian Aerospace Industry. So far, the trip had been nothing short of exciting, so I hope you don’t mind that I have high expectancy for what you have in store next.” says Chancellor Müller. “Well, then, shall we get going, Mr. President?”

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“indeed we should, chancellor, the facility isn’t too close, so there’s no time to waste. Athena will also go there, we need to have a expert” he says in a joking tone, pating his daughter’s shoulder

Soon the two leaders ware back in the car, and ware driving towards the headquarters of TAV, on the other side of the island

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As the car continues to approach their destination, Chancellor Müller decided to open up small talks with the President

“Mr. Antonides, may I ask you something? You’ve been the Congressional President of Thalapadis since 2013, which means you’ve been the president of Thalapadis for almost a decade at this point. I was wondering whether I could get some advice of how to be a good leader from you? As you seemed much more knowledgeable with years of experience compared to me.”

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