Cabinet and Executive Orders

Cabinet Order 36b


The Prime Minister orders the reassignment of Regional Officer powers.

In accordance with Article 2, Section 3 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to reassign the following Regional Officers:

  1. Assign Ikaranara as Minister of Roleplay with Appearance, Communications, and Polls powers.
  2. Assign PenguinPies as Minister of Culture with Appearance, Communications, and Polls powers.
  3. Assign Sir Zanny as Minister of On-Site Events with Appearance, Communications, and Polls powers.

Cabinet Order 37

Summary The Prime Minister orders the reassignment of Regional Officer powers.

In accordance with Article 2, Section 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to reassign the following Regional Officers:

  1. Assign PenguinPiesl as Prime Minister
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Cabinet Order 38

Summary | The Prime Minister orders the reassignment of Regional Officer powers.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to reassign the following Regional Officers:


Cabinet Order 39
Summary | The Prime Minister orders the reassignment of Regional Officer powers.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to reassign the following Regional Officers:

Prof Henn [NationStates | The New Order of Sporaltryus] gets appearances powers
LordNwhle [NationStates | The LordNwahsian Federation of Differences-In-Differences] gets appearances powers
Virgny [NationStates | The Federation of Virifortis] gets appearances and communication powers

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Delegate’s Note:

The prior Cabinet Order has been implemented to the extent possible. I also made a couple of minor assumptions:

  1. I assumed that you intended for @ProfessorHenn to be granted appearance powers, in addition to their other granted powers.
  2. I assumed that you intended @lordnwahs’s office to be “Office of World Assembly Legislation Director” and named it accordingly.
  3. Per 2.3 of the Regional Officers Act, the Cabinet is allocated three additional positions besides the Prime Minister. The three additional Regional Officers have been named, and as an order to remove a previously named minister was not given, the appointment of @Vrigny could not be carried out.

If any of these assumptions were incorrect, please issue a clarifying order!

With love (and cake),

His Most Benevolent Cakeness: The Emperor, Mother, and Delegate of the South Pacific


Cabinet Order 40

Summary | The Prime Minister renames previous Cabinet Orders to preserve numerical ordering, appoints an OWL Director, and orders the reassignment of Regional Officer powers,

  1. The Prime Minister renames the following historical Cabinet Orders:

    1. Cabinet Order 36, issued February 2nd under former Prime Minister Banexet, is hereby renamed Cabinet Order 36a.
    2. Untitled Cabinet Order, issued February 16th under former Prime Minister Banexet, is hereby renamed Cabinet Order 36b.
    3. Cabinet Order 3, issued May 1st under former Prime Minister Penguin, is hereby renamed Cabinet Order 38.
  2. Next, in accordance with Article 1 of the World Assembly Act, the Prime Minister appoints @lordnwahs as Director of the Office of World Assembly Legislation.

  3. Finally, in accordance with Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act , the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to reassign the following Regional Officers:

    1. Remove all powers from Sporaltryus, PenguinPies, and Virifortis.
    2. Assign Differences-In-Differences as Prime Minister and OWL Director and grant all non-Border Control powers.

Prime Minister of the Coalition of the South Pacific


Cabinet Order 41

Summary | The Prime Minister makes some necessary appointments and orders the assignment of Regional Officer powers to the new Cabinet.

  1. Per Article 1, Section 1 of the Military Code, the Prime Minister appoints @Coltranius as his designee to the Admiralty.

  2. In accordance with Article 2, Section 3 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to assign the following three appointed ministers the following Regional Officer powers:

    1. Assign @xshotss (Peoples Guerilla Armed Coalition) as Minister of Culture with Appearance and Polls powers.
    2. Assign @maluhia (Lile Ulie Islands) as Minister of Integration with Polls and Communications powers.
    3. Assign @NoOne (7 Trees) as Minister of Engagement with Appearance and Communications powers.
  3. In further accordance with Article 2, Section 3 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minster orders the Delegate to assign @ConcreteSlab (Concrete Slab) as Minister of Foreign Affairs with Embassy powers, while preserving all roles and powers previously assigned to the said nation that the Prime Minister may not have influence on.

Prime Minister of the Coalition of the South Pacific

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Cabinet Order 42

Summary | The Prime Minister orders the assignment of Regional Officer powers.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to assign the following Regional Officer powers:

  1. Assign @xshotss (Peoples Guerilla Armed Coalition ) as Minister of Culture with Appearance, Communications and Polls powers.
  2. Assign @maluhia (Lile Ulie Islands ) as Minister of Integration with Appearance, Communications and Polls powers.
  3. Assign @NoOne (7 Trees ) as Minister of Engagement with Appearance, Communications and Polls powers.

Prime Minister of the Coalition of the South Pacific

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Cabinet Order 43

Summary | The Prime Minister orders the assignment of Regional Officer powers.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to assign the following Regional Officer powers:

  1. Assign @ProfessorHenn (Sporaltryus) as Prime Minister with Appearance, Communications, Embassies, and Polls powers, in addition to any other powers required by law.
  2. Assign @HumanSanity (HumanSanity) as Minister of Recruitment with Appearance, Communications and Polls powers.
  3. Assign @Vrigny (Vrigny) as Minister of Defense with Appearance, Communications and Polls powers.
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Cabinet Order 44

Summary | The Prime Minister orders the assignment of Regional Officer powers.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to assign the following Regional Officer powers:

  1. Assign @Silva (Virifortis) as Minister of Culture with Appearance, Communications, and Polls powers, replacing the Minister of Recruitment.
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Cabinet Order 45

Summary | The Prime Minister orders the assignment of Regional Officer powers.

In accordance with Article 2 of the Regional Officers Act, the Prime Minister orders the Delegate to assign the following Regional Officer powers:

  1. Assign @Ray (FiHami) as Minister of Culture with Appearance, Communications, and Polls powers, replacing Virifortis.