The Besernian Amalgamated Press (Besernian: Bersches Verschmeltz-Presse np.K.A.) is a trusted organisation that runs the national newswire service and a news service of the same name, commonly used for reference by major Besernian news publishers and independent journalists and students alike, including but not limited to the national public broadcaster, the Besernian Broadcasting Service.
Founded in 1861 during the University Uprising, it operates traditionally as a co-operative, unincorporated association registered with Companies House under the Companies Act of 1824. The members of the BVP consist of newspapers, broadcasters and journals nationwide, enabling the BVP to have a large network of correspondents all over Pacifica.
The BVP newswire is known to be a reliable, factual and established source of information, recieving the yearly Vonnegut Award 31 times with 23 under journalism since the award was established by Treisag University to recognize excellence in journalism, literature and musical composition nationwide since 1835.
The BVP forum opinion category in the BVP news service is known to be constructive and balanced, or at least posts from journalists, however it is also open to the public, and therefore may be controversial at times, however it is known to be an excellent outlet of opinions on various issues in Besern and around the world.
Article template for reference
> [center] ![besern-bap-logoshort|79x61, 50%](upload://dGfjO53uFQ1OMF92OsJyiVgVFtb.png) **Besernian Amalgamated Press** <br>Digital Edition[/center]
> <hr></hr>
>[size=150] **Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.** [/size]
>[size=90] * Aliquam vulputate sapien rutrum neque commodo sollicitudin.[/size]
>[size=90] * Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean dictum felis magna, a luctus mi venenatis quis.[/size]
>[center] ![white_300x250|300x250](upload://iuqs04Ib66s3ZXPMlCKHqLy2Wxb.gif)[/center]
> [center] [size=90] * Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean dictum felis magna, a luctus mi venenatis quis.[/size] [/center]
>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In molestie hendrerit tincidunt. Fusce orci enim, feugiat id libero nec, viverra molestie lectus. Praesent a leo neque. Nulla facilisi. Fusce sit amet fringilla tortor, at bibendum enim. Sed tincidunt porttitor sem, sed commodo ipsum malesuada a. Nam lobortis tincidunt eros. In urna mi, luctus ac tempus quis, ultrices sit amet lorem. Etiam in erat libero. <br>
Maecenas laoreet cursus lacus, nec porttitor velit porta vitae. Sed eu elementum leo. Etiam porttitor placerat elementum. Nullam pulvinar, quam sit amet mattis finibus, justo mauris aliquet sapien, eget euismod tellus leo vitae velit. Nulla eleifend pulvinar nibh ultrices interdum. Nullam ipsum nisl, efficitur et cursus sit amet, volutpat vitae orci. Vestibulum ornare lacus nec ornare consectetur. Curabitur vitae tempus leo, eget dictum leo. Ut non ornare dolor.
> **John Doe**, Brient
> Jan, 1, 1970, 00:01AM
> [center] *MORE FROM THE BVP:* <br>* **Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.**<br>* **In molestie hendrerit tincidunt. Fusce orci enim.**<br>* **Praesent a leo neque. Nulla facilisi.** [/center]