I think it would be better if it were like this:
I can’t really see what the difference really is
Legislators shouldn’t be capitalised and this is missing a word or semicolon:
Also just to point out, this changes the process for concluding peace. The current provision only requires a supermajority for declaring war.
Isn’t to “conclude peace” the same as to bring an end to peace / to start war?
“Concluding peace” is the legal jargon for ending a war.
There is no need to have an exclusive article on the declaration of war, it is better to bring this to the article that deals with the Assembly.
I see. I will change it then
I support this. If we are going to have an explicit mention of DoW, then I think it should be under the Assembly section of the charter.
(Though, I still think it’s implied the Assembly has the power to declare war, even if we don’t spell it out explicitly)
I would agree with that reading of the Charter (that it is an implied power vested in the Assembly). However, as a matter of legislative technique and taking into account plain language principles, I believe it should be explicitly spelled out in the Charter.
I support the proposal.
Considering it’s been five days and no objections raised, I’m motioning to move this to a vote
I’ll second.
To clarify, which proposal are you motioning?
Cryos? (I motion for Cryo’s version [with a semicolon])
I would rather conluding peace be easier at a simple majority than keep it at a three-fifths and potentially gridlock us into a war.
I second Griff’s motion for Cryo’s version.
I agree, so much so that the change to my proposal already does that; Cyro’s just corrects some grammatical errors.
Therefore, I move (or third) my proposal for a vote.
I second @Silva’s motion.
Since there are two competing bills that have a recognized seconded motion to vote, we will proceed to a separate and simultaneous vote on the competing bills later in the day:
Before we proceed with a vote, can @Cryo clarify if they intend to incorporate the striking off of Article XI of the Charter in their proposal, as is done in Silva’s proposal?
Yes, the strike-out is part of it.
But if any cares, I’m throwing my support towards the other draft.