[2312.AB] Change in the Legislator Status Requirement

Eligibility for particular offices is laid out clearly and transparently under existing law. Creating a committee with arbitrary powers is bureaucratic and less transparent. It serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

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Also that committee has a capacity for corruption and bias.

Genuinely confused, what do you mean by that?

I redact my statement because I have no idea.

I think Bhjarati is correct :stuck_out_tongue: adding a committee to enforce arbitrary requirements when clearly stated laws alone will suffice is unnecessary bureaucracy that both slows processes down and allows those processes to be manipulated


Laws that restrict power to a group. The Eligibility Committee is not at liberty to refuse anyone they wish. Must follow proposed act strictly.

Changes in the electoral act to leave no loopholes. If you have any suggestions or gaps that I missed, let me know.

Opinions, suggestions, criticisms?

It seems like after ten days of silence not much else is to be said. Or maybe something will be said after this bump but if not, you may want to explore motioning this to vote.

As of now, it seems like the debate has died over this piece of legislation. That is subject to change.

I’ll put it to a vote as soon as the Omnibus is voted on. Maybe I have to make adaptations since he brought many changes in the laws.

Noting the lack of discussions for a long time, I believe this means that no one has anything more to add. For this reason, I bring this amendment to a vote.

I’ll second it, i suppose.

EDIT: My second is to be recognized after the requisite amount of time has passed. This bill was amended just a few minutes ago.

I believe further discussion is also warranted given the recent omnibus changes.

Ah yes, I changed some things following the approved Omnibus, but if there is still something, let me know

This part, for example

Indeed, this is the case, as some elements of these proposals are dealing with constitutional law. As such, a five day cooldown/debate period is relevant.

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Totally agree, I’m still tweaking a few things, it shouldn’t take too long!

All done, check it please

Considering how most of the discussion for this draft consists of people objecting to it, is it really convenient to bring it to a vote?


This is a good question, but in my view, perhaps, many more vote than discuss…

Not only that, but most feared that the Eligibility Committee would be completely free to accept or decline, which will no longer happen due to the changes I made. There are demands and there are explanations for people who are refused.