The PNS Psyche’s captain, counter admiral Lena Alexili, had one mission: probe into the space said to be controlled by the rogue AIs that left Gaia so long ago. Her fleet was made up of 4 ships: 1 heavy cruiser (the Psyche), 1 missile defense destroyer (the Jason) and 2 heavy assault frigates (the sister ships Achilles and Patroclus). It was small, but top-notch, with it’s ships being the most modern classes in the navy. Tailing them was also the battleship PNS Hyperion. It was not as modern as the main fleet, but was reliable and battle hardened. it’s job was to receive any lanerunners and send that info back to high command. In case of emergency it would enter, giving the fleet additional fire power and cover to escape.
“This is the psyche calling the Hyperion, the fleet is about to enter the hyperplane. Expect a lanerunner as soon as we have scanned the system, over.”
And with those words the fleet entered the hyperlane