Wtf Indiana?

A week ago Indiana passed a law to “criminalize” the use of smart devices in school. I got an apple watch for Christmas then they banned so I’m like WHAT THE HELL
also they are talking about bring project 25 laws to Indiana which is just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Yeah we cant really use them anymore at school. Criminalize is crazy though


AT least you don’t have to deal with 25 mph+ winds picking you up in the school hallways while you’re trying to get to class. Since that also happened to me today. (California Santa Ana winds go crazy)


Criminalizing using personal devices is probably against the constitution in one way or another


“Lets move to Cali” -my mother 2025 lol

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Criminalize as in if you are caught with it on at least 3 separate occasions during school hours you get expelled

Not yet, give us a few weeks, still in our widlfire phase rn

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We have something similar but instead you get suspended for a few days if you get caught with it

Does Alabama suspend you for “misusing a school computer” as well?
I know 2 ppl who have already gotten expelled.

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Considering LA is hot as ice right now I’d wait.

and Canada’s cold as lava

Most classes in our school just require you to put your phone in a class pocket or something.

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I mean it’s fine if you use it during lunch or whatever. but in class is crazy


Uhhh no thats a dumb rule

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I thought this thread was about someones pet rabbit named Indiana… I was way off

In my district in California, we have “progressive discipline”. Basically a 3 strikes and you’re out type system where if the thing you did was VERY bad (such as illegal substances and whatnot) you automaticallly get the 3 strikes on the spot and you can get law enforcement involved, or other stuff


Specifically a rabbit?

damn my schools actually pretty lenient because if we get caught with our phones usually what happens if you keep using it when being asked not to is it gets confiscated for the rest of the lesson. And like no one here has ever gotten expelled. Like kids in my year have brought in drugs, knives or committed like actual sexual assault (and I think the school is aware) but stayed in school.