Welcome Volaworand!

Cheers, the intro wizard wants me to make post about myself, so here goes.

I have played since 2017, i have always been in tsp and i like :pie:. I am always lingering around the rmb sharing dirty old man wisdom.


Welcome to the forums!

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Thanks, i used to be on our old ones but finally made the transition. :slight_smile:

Hi Vola! Good to see you here

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Thanks, I’m still likely to be mostly engaged in the rmb, but doing my duty and applied for citizenship. I will mostly be quietly lurking forumside.


Hey Volaworand, glad to see you on the forums!

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I’m NAD if you didn’t know already

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Oh no i didnt know. Glad to see the rmb crowd represent. :penguin:

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Fortunately for you and unfortunately for me, the pie-lovers also maintain a presence on the off-site :sob:

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Pieletariat forever!


Hello! Virifortis here!
Good to see you!

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I suppose I can welcome your pie loving self to the South Pacific forums…!


Pie?! What is this heresy?! Ice cream forever!

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Ice cream is acceptable when serving pie a la mode.

Perhaps the beginning of a great regional alliance…

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Ice cream is the champion of those who are too cowardly to pick between pie and cake!

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Is there anything i need to do get citizenship beyond fill out the application and wait around?

That’s pretty much it; the CitCom usually reviews pretty quickly.


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