Welcome Misanthrope!

Hello! My username is Misanthrope, and my NationStates nation is The Free Land of The Utopic Dystopic, or just The Utopic Dystopic for short.

I learnt about TSP when I joined NationStates and started in the South Pacific region.

I want to improve my writing and world building skills by practicing roleplaying as a nation.

I started playing NationStates on 11th July, about 1 hour ago. I honestly forgot where I found this game lol.


Welcome to TSP! :llama:

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Thank you!

Welcome to the South Pacific!

Please let me know if I can be of assistance!

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Welcome to the forums! You should definitely check out the pacifica modern tech roleplay world here on the forums, or build out your nations dispatches and news gameside in knowhere. You can build out your nations canon as you rp with others.

See you around the RMB

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Welcome to TSP! :slight_smile:

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