Welcome MagnaScientia!

Hiya, I’m Magna-Scientia, better known as Magna, my nation in TSP is Magna-Arcis . I joined NS with the Drewpocalypse around 2020 and soon joined Conch Kingdom (part of the Augustin Alliance), I then moved to Land’s End, another region in the Augustin Alliance. I currently serve as the Ambassador from Land’s End to Warzone Trinidad. I learned about TSP due to a member of Land’s End who is also a member of SPSF asking me if I wanted to do R/D.

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Hey there and welcome to TSP — it’s great to hear you’re interested in the SPSF! In case you haven’t found it yet, you can enlist via the Getting Involved wizard. Feel free to see if anything else on there catches your eye as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and I promise we’re a friendly bunch, so let us know if you have any questions!

howdy and welcome!

Welcome to tge forums!



Welcome to the South Pacific!

We also have a mentorship program that pairs you with a long term member of the region while you get settled into the region. If you are at all interested you can reply to this post.

You also totally don’t have to join it if you don’t want to, just about everyone here would love to help you and answer any questions you might have!

Again, welcome to the South Pacific!

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