Personally, I found out about Nation States about an hour ago yet someone I knew spoke of it or something similar and I believed it may be something that I could participate in casually whilst waiting for my A-Level results which I could take with me to Uni. I learned about TSP through it being the region the game spawned me in but you came across as nice individuals in the welcome telegram and I appreciated that and decided to apply for citizenship. Sorry if my country’s stats look a little right wing it doesn’t reflect my personal views I was honestly just pressing buttons. Whilst I am a part of your clearly thriving community , I hope to participate within one of your roleplay/creative writing communities as I have not done it for a while and I believe that it may end up being rather relaxing.
Yours Sincerely,
King George I of Vindasamt
Welcome. Great to have you aboard! Theres three (sort of 4) roleplay worlds here on theforums if your looking for roleplay opportunities. No worries about your stats, there no rules on how you play your nation.
If you have any questions just shout and TSPeoples can help point you in the right direction.
Welcome. Here is a llama
That is a solid Llama. I shall name him Reginald.
Thank you for the welcome. I will definitely remember to ask if I have any queries. :]
Take good care of dear Reginald.
Welcome–great to have you join us!
Welcome! We’re a very nice and diverse community and it’s great to have you aboard!
I shall, I have knighted him and he is now heir to the throne.
Welcome to the South Pacific!
I hope you enjoy the region, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything!
Welcome, here’s the flag of Tajikistan
welcome aboard
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