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Weissersteiner forces in Fatiniyya placed on high alert

March 4, 2023

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Darussalam - As the situation in Ludville continues to escalate further, Weissersteiner forces stationed in the East have been placed on high alert, one of which is the Weissersteiner forces in Fatiniyya.

In March 3, the Weissersteiner government had announced that it will deploy more forces to bases in the East, in order to safeguard it’s allies in the region. While it had announced that it would refrain from being involved directly in the conflict, the Weissersteiner Imperial Government had told the media that if any Weissersteiner allies were attacked directly by the Ludvillian junta, Weisserstein would not hesitate to get involved into the conflict.

Weissersteiner Reichswehr forces in Port Obadiah. (Source: Reichswehr)

Following the announcement, the government of the Sultanate of Fatiniyya was informed that more troops would be deployed into the Weissersteiner base in Port Obadiah (Obadjashaven; ميناء عبيد الله). Before the announcement, Fatiniyya housed around 12,000 Weissersteiner forces, which is expected to increase further following the announcement. Joint military drills between the Reichswehr and the Royal Sultanate Armed Forces are also expected to increase as the conflict in Ludville continues. Elements of the Reichsmarine are also planned on being deployed alongside the new wave of forces in Fatiniyya, most likely also being stationed in Port Obadiah.

Umar Abdullah

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