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Weisserstein and Sugovia works in strengthening joint military capabilities amidst rising tensions

Feburary 14, 2023

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Goldennekappe - With the rise of uncertainty over 2023, from the ongoing protests in Elbonia to the nationalist coup d’etat in Ludville, Weisserstein and Sugovia announced that they will intensify joint military capabilities in order better prepare both states to combat the rising wave of conflicts.

SDF soldier during joint military training in Sankt Martin. (Source: Sugovian Defense Forces)

Weissersteiner Reichskanzler Friedrich Müller and Sugovian President Mohammad Malik announced in a press conference in early February that both nations would work together to maintain regional stability and security. A major goal stated during the press conference was to quell the spillover from neighboring Losavra’s ongoing instability, and hinted on possible coordination with the Ikaranarean military to achieve this.

As early as October 2022, the Sugovian government had worked extensively to modernize the Sugovian Defense Forces, which was driven primarily by the sudden Rycco-Cordilian War, which saw a massive armed conflict occur right in Sugovia’s doorstep. The extensive modernization plan included purchasing new armored vehicles from Weisserstein as well as expanding the Sugovian domestic military industry.

Weissersteiner Reichswehr during joint military training in Sankt Martin. (Source: Reichswehr)

In January, Weisserstein and Sugovia held joint military training in the Weissersteiner island of Sankt Martin, with the goal of maintaining high military readiness in the event of a sudden conflict in their borders. The training in Sankt Martin was also used to test Sugovia’s new SPW Tiger, a development of the earlier SPW Gepaard, in a combat situation. Besides the joint military training, Sugovia aims to upgrade their existing stock of tanks, namely retrofitting the existing Panzer 65 “König Tiger”, which remains the most numerous Main Battle Tank in Sugovian storage. Alongside this, plans to purchase more Panzer 89 “König Panthers” had also been announced, with plans of having the Panther be the Main Battle Tank of the SDF by as early as April 2023.

Ferdinand Werdin

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