Void boss

Bosses increased stats
Alpha: +500 HP
Beta: +250 HP and +250 ATK
Gamma: +250 HP and +250 DEF
Delta: +500 ATK
Epsillon: +250 ATK and +250 DEF
Zeta: +500 DEF
Boss stats (normal)
1000 HP
100 ATK
100 DEF
Water: Strong against Alpha but weak against zeta
Fire: Strong against Beta but weak against Epsillon
Grass: Strong against Gamma but weak against Delta
Ice: Strong against Delta but weak against gamma
Electric: Strong against Epsillon but Weak against beta
Rock: Strong against Zeta but weak against Alpha
Choose your type and attack the boss with any of the following moves your type and your types counter type.
Water’s counter type is ice
Fire’s counter type is electric
And Grass’s counter type is Rock
Anyways heres the attacks from the types
You can only choose 3 moves
The 1st move of the type is an attack move while the 2nd is an defence move
Water: Splash [atk move] and surf [def move]
Fire: Fire breath [atk move] and Fiery aura [def move]
Grass: Thornspike [atk move] and Vine frenzy [def move]
Ice: Ice beam [atk move] and frost totem [def move]
Electric: Lighting [atk move] and sunlight echo [def move]
Rock Earthquake [atk move] And mud bath [def move]
Heres what the stats do
Hp: Amount of health
Atk: Attack damage
Def: Damage reduction

Ok i will start Delta
I chooes ice type and i choose
Splash,surf and Ice beam.

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