Photo Credit: ABC Science, IC ABH-003, the Wormhole that links Galactya and Rosecordia
ABH-003 Defense Force Garrison Headquarters
Abnormal Blackhole Three
Sector: Atlia Reach
Command Master Chief Petty Officer (CMCPO) Mako Nelsia
It was an average day. As average as can be when you’re a wormhole away from being on the frontline of a warzone. That’s atleast what Mako Nelsia thought as she idly sat in her office. She peered around, looking at how the system had progressed under her CO’s command. From the mines being removed to the new station being added, it all looked amazing.
. . .
That was, until the Action Stations alarm went off. She grabbed her service revolver and ran for the G/HQ’s Action Information Center.
“Status. Status!”
“Multiple Contacts! Five ships, one’s signature is around a klick and half, the other’s are less than half a klick!”
“Get me eyes and ears damn it! COMMO!”
“Aye Ma’am!”
“Open up the multi specs, initiate first contact. It’s probably not Galactyan, Emerald hasn’t been here in years, Akroppi Vessels are really large. It ain’t Envari or Colonus, they’d pop up on our IFF. That…”
She trailed off
“That means they’re probably Calerost…”
“Be very careful how you talk to the elves. I don’t feel like starting a war because my COMMO decided to shit talk SPACE ELVES.”
“Roger, ma’am.”
The COMMO starts inputting communication data and begins speaking.
“ALCON. ALCON. Unknown Vessels, you are trespassing in Directorate Space. Please Identify yourselves. Anybody Copy this request?”