“I and all other hyperAIs in the Confluence can certainly relate to the complexities of your political situation…” said Crown In The Sky, while analyzing and matching the information provided by Andarna and Xanen with the empire’s gathered data and observations. “the tens of thousands of polities, associations and societies that make up the Confluence of Empires would be unable to remain stable and united without the coemperial hierarchy coordinating everything. Although I suppose that is just the price any empire of empires must pay if it wishes to maintain diversity, its most important quality, without sacrificing overall unity.”
With a scope and detail utterly incomprehensible to the others in the room, Crown in the Sky carefully analyzed the region’s political situation. Given the military and technological inbalance between the Confluence and this conflict’s major players, ey could almost certainly steer political developments in their favor. After all the Republic, though still vastly lacking in many ways to the eyes of the Coempireals, was the most morally upstanding state in the volume, facing off against remnants of ancient slavers and other, smaller, forces of chaos. The true alignment of political and ethical interests was the be-all end-all of motivations to the COE. However, despite the immense computational power at their disposal, their predictions could only go so far, and working with limited data, inputs and forces further limited their full scope. Before a proper assessment could be made, more information would need to be gathered. And like an angel delivering the salvation and providence of an ancient Abrahamic god on Old Earth, the Republic’s database was delivered complete to the room.
Tossed in the air by Galen, the device suddenly defied physics thanks to the avatar’s metric manipulators and gently moved towards the hand of construct, above which it stood still, floating. Without physically interacting with the device, Crown in the Sky absorbed the information it contained: eir picture of the Republic was almost truly complete. Perceived history and events were confirmed, the distant observations of star systems were matched with database entries, every bit of in-flowing information infinitely analyzed, elaborated and compared to what was already present.
“Thank you kindly, Vice President Galen: this was quite useful for me, and I can already assure you that it will be of great help. Now, as was promised, here is a database of my own.”
A small cube, roughly as big as an orange, materialized from the avatar’s chest. The construct’s material was odd, both metallic and crystalline at the same time, with a slightly opaque and glowing surface giving way to refracting lines of light. Fully emerged from the wisps of radiant fog, the device softly landed in front of the Republic’s representative trio.
“This cube contains detailed information regarding the Confluence’s history, galactography, government, politics, demographics, metaculture, economy, military and technology. To access and browse the database, simply hold it in your preferred appendage and think about accessing it: the cube will automatically connect to your nervous system and allow you to browse it through pseudo-visual navigation screens. Downloading data or connecting the database to your system is similarly simple.”