“Top” view of the Batholithic Harmony.
The Batholithic Harmony was quite famous in the Terragen Empire for being one of the largest and most populated habships, measuring in at 752 kilometers in length, 248 in width and 49 in height. Thanks to its enormous size, the ship was home to more than 2.6 billion sapients, all living in spacious and highly different environmental habitats or virtual worlds situated within the vast ship. The remaining volume of the ship that wasn’t dedicated to its passengers instead hosted the vast mind of the class 3 HyperAI known as Monzonelsic Laccostrate, who had originally designed and built the ship more than four thousand years ago and had transferred eir mind within the vessel’s vast computronium banks.
Built to satisfy the AI’s desire to explore the stars, the titanic habship first left the Terragen Empire’s territories in 4217 BBT, bringing together with it millions of sapients who shared Monzonelsic Laccostrate’s aspiration. Ever since then, the ship had been travelling all throughout Sector A1-0, interacting with a multitude of civilizations and maintaining constant contact with the Empire thanks to a series of comm-gauge microscopic wormholes that the habship carried.
Around 4216 years later, the Batholithic Harmony was now travelling spinwards throughout the claimed territories of the Republic of United Worlds. Even just a few years prior, many of these star systems used to belong to the Commissariat of Enver, who had now collapsed and was barely holding onto dear life in its fight against the expanding Republic, a mere shell of its former self. Multiple Pansophian vessels had crossed Enver’s territories in the past, and 1600 years ago another large habship had decided to finally make actual contact with Enver. This was also because of the Eyes that were already present in the region wanted to see how the highly xenophobic Commissariat would react to interacting with members of a vastly more advanced civilization.
While travelling in interstellar space, Monzonelsic Laccostrate’s sensors noticed some relatively high energy emissions in the star system besides them, just short of being a lightyear distant. Contacting one of the Eyes in the region, e discovered that a battle between the Republic and a patrol of the Enver Remnant had just began. Feeling intrigued by the situation, and not wanting to pass up the chance of putting a spoke in the Remnant’s wheel, the HyperAI decided to release a mass announcement throughout the ship.
Dear passengers, it has come to my attention that we are currently less than a lightyear distant from a battle between the Republic Of United Worlds and the Enver Remnant. The Batholithic Harmony can either remain on the current trajectory and ignore the fight, or aggressively intervene on the side of the Republic. The choice is up to you. Please, let me know what course of action you would prefer taking.
As the billions of passengers atop the habship listened to the message through their neural implants and communicators, their votes and opinions quickly started to pour in. After an hour of realspace time, the vote was concluded: most of the passengers had voted to intervene, desiring to help the Republic and wanting to see some firsthand action. Having confirmed the consent of eir passengers, Monzonelsic Laccostrate set course for the system.
After some hours of fast superluminal travel, the giant vessel finally entered the gravity well of the system. Slowing down to an FTL speed closer to c, a final mass-scan was performed to confirm which ships belonged to which faction. Having identified the Remnant’s breaking patrol, the Batholithic Harmony accelerated again, this time heading directly towards the largest group of these vessels. Within the visual range of the enemy targets, was also the Republic’s Liberator Dreadnought, who would get a delightful taste of the habship’s power. Activating their Fractalized Void Concert shield and readying all weapons, the vessel dropped out of warp.