UnitedDisneyStates for PM

Hello citizens, legislators, government officials, and residents of TSP. My name is United Disney States and I am running for Prime Minister for TSP

Here is more about me!

I started on NS in September 2020 and was in TNP. I CTEd the nation in 2021. But then made a new nation and came back that September as well. Also in TNP. I again CTEd it in July 2022. Then I took a hiatus and didn’t come back until June 2024. When I was founded here in TSP.

I quickly started here in TSP! Started to talk on the RMB, sign up for the forums, become a citizen and legislator all that jazz. Then I joined Discord and started connecting with a lot more of you guys! In September I also got nominated for Prime Minister by Griffindor and North which I didn’t accept since I felt I was too new, lacked confidence, and not enough experience at the time. In October I also got into Defenderism and join the SPSF. I left the SPSF in November to join a different defender organization in December which I still am apart of to this day. I am also a Secretary of Culture under the current administration which I became in December 2024.

My Agenda - Promise, Passion, and Result

My agenda will lead the cabinet and TSP in a new direction. A direction that will benefit TSP for the better.

Me and the Cabinet will lead with Promise. Promise that plans will get done and completed throughout my term and that the citizens and residents of TSP will always be priority during my term. Also promising that trust, accountability, and transparency will drive TSP to success and that is what me and my cabinet will aim to do during this term.

Me and the Cabinet will lead with Passion. Passion of what we believe in and that we are passionate about their respective jobs and the love they put into what their going to do this term and the love they will put out to the all of the region by their passion of what they like to do.

Me and the Cabinet will lead with Result. Result by getting plans, and goals done and delivering result to the region and never go flat and go stagnant during my term.

My Ministry Plans for this Term.

I currently plan to have 7 ministries. If there is popular interest I would potentially add on an additional two which would come to 9 ministries. More on the other two later. Some ministries could be removed or become different and most of them will work together with other ministries. Creating transparency between the government. They will each have a main goal/project like what @lordnwahs implemented in his campaign. Each ministry could possibly have multiple goals in each of their respective ministries. I also plan to talk to the cabinet at least twice a week. One of the beginning and one at the end.

Foreign Affairs

Not having a minister of foreign affairs this past term has completely stalled foreign affairs for TSP and it was a very controversial choice not to have one. Also by looking at the ending term approval polls and seeing Foreign Affairs was the ministry people wanted to come back the most. I of course am bringing back Foreign Affairs.

GOAL #1: Strengthening Relations with Embassy Regions: I want to strengthen relations with embassy regions that is a main goal. We need to reconnect to embassy regions as communication with most embassy regions has become very stagnant and if not nonexistent. The biggest solution to this will be create updates to send with embassy partners about what we’re doing currently and other regional happenings. Also by reconnecting onto other region’s forums that we have threads and also start to post there as well if that is possible.

GOAL #2: Recreating The Ambassador Program: Ever since LordNwahs mentioned this when he ran for Prime Minister. I have also been interested in recreating the ambassador program but of course with modifications to not let the Ambassador program become stagnant. One idea I have in mind is creating a Head of Ambassadors that will be appointed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. This could help not cause stagnation in the program. Also the ambassadors from their respective regions will give me an update weekly about the happenings in the region they were assigned too.


The ministry of defense is crucial for TSP. The main goal I have for the Ministry of Defense is to continue and complete reforms for the SPSF if necessary and just also do restructuring where it is needed.

GOAL #1: Finish reforming the SPSF: The SPSF has gone through some reforms during Henn’s term however there may need to be more reforms so that the SPSF can properly function and get out of this slump it has been having.

GOAL #2: Fix Communication in the SPSF: While I was in the SPSF there wasn’t great communication. Many regions send out messages to all members of their military to remind them of an update. During my term me and the Minister of Defense will start implementing this.

GOAL #3: Create Advertisements to Encourage People to join the SPSF: The SPSF is currently having troubling times and we have lost many members of the SPSF. Me and the Minister of Defense will come up with ideas of Discord announcements, and telegrams to everyone across TSP so we can start to bring up members and turnout when defenders update.


The Ministry of Culture had did a good job this term and I plan on to expand it even more.

GOAL #1: Host More Events: We don’t have many events through the term and I plan on to do more events throughout my term so that people will be interested in our culture. It could be Game Nights, Movie Nights, etc.

GOAL #2: Host Events With Embassy Partners: The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Culture throughout my term will work together to host joint events with other regions and also get other from regions to come join our events as well since everyone is welcome to join our events.

GOAL #3 (Long Term): Appoint more Secretary of Cultures: To help with Culture I believe throughout my term the Minister of Culture should work to find more Secretary of Cultures to help plan events. These could any nations. However to help the Minister of Culture make events there needs to be people to help and Secretary of Cultures could help do that.


After looking at the Ending Polls for Ministries people want the Ministry of Integration was a popular choice and I think it is a good idea too. So I will be bringing back the Ministry of Integration. I will be flipping the script on the ministry so it could be successful.

GOAL #1: Integrate People into the Region: As you’ll see in the conflict of interest.
I am also Minister of Integration of the region called Starlight. What I do is help get
people onto discord, become a citizen, join roleplay etc. The Minister of Integration will be doing just that. It will help integrate new nations to become a citizen, join the assembly, join a roleplay, and all of the other opportunities we offer.

GOAL #2: Mentorship Program: Another Idea I also liked and that has been said around here and then is the Mentorship Program. This will consist of experienced nations here at TSP and will help get newer nations situated here at TSP. For example new nations saying something on the RMB for the first time or just joining discord or the forums for the first time as well. Another part of the Mentorship Program I will include is finding new players that could be a government official here one day and help mentor them into the government. Most likely giving them an advisor role, minor position, etc.


Another choice in the Ending Approval polls. I will also be bringing back the Ministry of Engagement!

GOAL #1 (Long Term): Create a Regional Newspaper: I get that we have fortnightly briefings but all other regions have a regional newspaper. I also see this as a way to help engage people and also see all the current happenings with our region as well. It could also do interviews of TSP players etc. It will also need writers for it under the supervision of the Ministry of Engagement. This can also tie into the Ambassadorship program for Foreign Affairs as Ambassadors could send this as well to their respective regions as part of their update of our region.

GOAL #2: Help Advertise Events for Culture: The Minister of Engagement will help the Ministry of Culture also advertise for events that they plan. Mostly by doing it on the RMB, and discord and will also help people get engaged in these events.

GOAL #3: Communication with the RMB: The Minister of Engagement will also have constant communication with the RMB. By also posting weekly updates on the RMB and also taking in ideas for the cabinet to discuss doing and also take in what the cabinet and the prime minister can do better.


Recruitment will also return during my term.

GOAL #1: Make a Recruitment Campaign: I am going to turn recruitment into a campaign where a couple of people will recruit. There will be around 5-7 recruiters. This is around the same number of people other regions do and I hope this campaign will help bring in nations to our region after our decline of nations here at TSP.

GOAL #2 (Long Term?): Redo the Recruitment Telegram/Welcome Telegram: Another goal that the Minister of Recruitment will do long term is spruce/fix up the recruitment telegram to talk more TSP and more of a OOC telegram as it’s been more OOC does better than more IC telegram. Another thing is that there could be a source up of the welcome telegram if it’s needed.


OWL will of course also return during my term.

GOAL #1 (Long Term): Get More OWL Volunteers: Right now currently LordNwahs is really the only one that does any of the reports for proposals and also the threads on Discord. As of I can see there aren’t that many OWL Volunteers that I know of. More volunteers could help get reports out right when the vote starts like what Griffindor has said in his campaign so that he doesn’t have to wait on voting.

GOAL #2: OWL Mentorship Program: What I also want the OWL Director to do this term is to host a OWL Mentorship Program so that they can get to teach how to make OWL Reports and also start to train future OWL directors.

GOAL #3: Advertisements to go along with getting more OWL Volunteers: I want the OWL Volunteers and it’s Volunteers along with me will help make a advertisement like a discord ping, dispatch on the RMB etc. So we can get those more OWL Volunteers like said in Goal 1.

Miscellaneous/Possible Ministries


Another popular choice on the approval poll was a Ministry of Roleplay. I am looking to see if people are interested in having a ministry of roleplay. However it will most likely be an office. Named the Office of Roleplay.

GOAL #1: Readvertise/Rebuild Knowhere: Knowhere has kind of been abandoned over the years and the nations tend to CTE a lot as well. If the Office of Roleplay does become a thing. I would want the Roleplay Director to help rebuild and readvertise Knowhere so we can have multiple lores going at once and not just one declining one.

GOAL #2: Lead all of the Roleplays: The Roleplay Director will also lead all roleplays and will watch them closely to see what is currently going on with the roleplays and track so they can help the Wiki Moderators to update all roleplay threads if they still do that. They will also work alongside the RP Moderators to see success of the Roleplays.


A ministry of cards has been an idea many people have said for a while and I want to see as well how people think about this.

GOAL #1: Turn SPACE into a ministry program: I would most likely talk to @USoVietnam about this but if the ministry of cards does become a thing. SPACE will work how it is doing right now but it will get more volunteers and all of the plans that SPACE will be doing is what I plan on doing if the Ministry of Cards does become a thing.

GOAL #2 (Long Term): Set SPACE for Long Term: After the initial S4 hype I feel SPACE will eventually die out again. Me and the Minister of Cards will help work to make SPACE to continue for years and not just after the initial Season 4 hype ends.


I plan to be a lot more active on the RMB. Along with the Minister of Engagement I will also see if residents of the South Pacific have ideas for the government or have criticism for us on what we should do better. Generally most government officials are not active on the RMB as our RMB tends to get wild. But I have handled it before and I hope that nations will feel confident to share there ideas on the RMB.

Citizenship Committee

I would be open to reforming the Citizenship Committee following a lot of talk about possibly getting rid of it or scaling it down or just make it smaller. There are currently three people on the Citizenship Committee. One isn’t that active anymore. Griff is usually the only one that accepts however Pronoun will do it the rejections and sometimes does accept ions. I plan to work with the Assembly to add an additional 2 members of the Citizenship Committee to reform it and help make the citizenship applications process easier and faster.

Thank you for looking at my campaign and I hope I earned your vote in this election. I will definitely answer questions, comments, and concerns as fast as possible! Have a magical day everyone!

The amazing @Griffindor always says “My telegram is open to talk.” I will lead the same way. My discord, telegram, and PM on forums is always open to talk to.

Conflict of Interest

The South Pacific: United Disney States - Citizen of TSP (June 16th, 2024 - Present)
Legislator of TSP (June 18th, 2024 - Present)
SPSF Member (September 26th, 2024 - November 23rd, 2024)
Secretary of Culture under Ray (December 18th, 2024 - Present)

The Region That Has No Big Banks: The Democratic Disney States - Dual Citizen of NBB (December 19th, 2024 - Present)
Member of Parliament of NBB (December 21st, 2024 - Present)
Vice Chair of the Confirmation Committee (January 15th, 2025 - Present)
Head of Engagement and Data (January 15th, 2025 - Present)

Starlight: Spaceship Earth - Citizen of Starlight (October 31st, 2024 - Present)
Interim Co-Minister of Foreign Affairs (October 31st - December 22nd, 2024)
Minister of Integration (December 22nd, 2024 - Present)


I have a few questions:

  • What exactly would ambassadors do?
  • What would be the practical difference between the Engagement and Integration portfolios, such that two separate ministries would be needed?
  • What would a Roleplay Office do?

Thanks for the questions Kris.

Ambassadors would be the liaison between TSP and the respective region they are assigned too. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Head of Diplomats that will be appointed by the MOFA will come up with an update for the ambassadors.

Example being

TSP Elections Conclude

Hello [region],

Our elections here at TSP have just ended! Here is who got elected and who will serve with us for the next couple of months.

[blank] was elected Delegate of TSP

[blank] was elected Prime Minister of TSP

[blank] will become our next Minister of Foreign Affairs. So please send over any FA related discussions to either the Delegate, the Prime Minister, or the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Hope every at [region] is doing well!

TSP Ambassador to [region]

I got inspiration from NBB’s but this would be an example of what TSP Ambassadors would send over to their assigned region. Ambassadors would also help to start plan joint events with NBB for example. They can help start treaties.
They would also have to send a weekly message to the head of ambassadors regarding what there region has been doing. Like announcements, movie nights, game nights, etc.

I can where you can ask this question. Engagement and Integration are similar however I believe Integration’s portfolio would focus more on trying to get nations to join the forums and become a legislator and also join discord so they stay up to date on TSP announcements and also see and interact with the TSP server. I believe Engagement’s portfolio would focus more on updating our guides like our welcome guide, cg guide, wa guide, etc. and also make our newspaper which will help engage people into what happened the pass month and engage people on what TSP is up to.

A Roleplay office would help manage and keep track of all of the Roleplays we have to offer alongside the Roleplay Moderators and they keep contact regularly. They would help keep track of the current members of each Roleplay and would give remainders to nations that haven’t roleplayed in a while to Roleplay or may possible face a removal from the Roleplay. I would be interested in reviving the Knowhere project but reboot it and change aspects of it so that Knowhere plan would actually come into affect and not just in testing stages.

Sorry for a late response! Hope this helps!

From what I know, a mentorship program is an idea that has been tried and not worked out very well. How would you make sure a mentorship program can function effectively?

Thanks for the question Starri! To function the mentorship program effectively they would have multiple people at a time expect just one and I would hire experienced players to mentee. I think what could also be different by not just mentoring them not just by welcoming. They would also help mentor people that could be a gov official someday. It’s not just going to be welcoming. It would be different parts of TSP. Like if they want to join the SPSF, join the assembly, join a roleplay etc. They would also be active TSPers and not TSPers that aren’t that active.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Also promising that trust, accountability, and transparency will drive TSP to success and that is what me and my cabinet will aim to do during this term.

How will you ensure accountability and transparency?

as it’s been more OOC does better than more IC telegram.

What does this mean? How do you know that OOC telegrams do better than IC ones?

You have not mentioned any desserts in your campaign post. Do you have a preference, and if so, how would that affect your policies were you to be elected?

Accountability by if we make a mistake we will apologize and make it up to the region and also be responsible and not lazy on what we produce for this great region.
Transparency by keeping it simple but having the government big enough where they can govern individual parts of TSP.

OOC means Out of Character. I am a recruiter for a different region and have talked to others that recruit and that have said the OOC has shown better results than IC (In Character).

I don’t believe I am the only one that didn’t state a dessert but I like all desserts. I like cake the most. However ice cream is a close second. However like the past two Prime Ministers. Desserts will not affect any of my policies when elected Prime Minister.

I want to give a final good luck to my fellow opponents @Erstavik and @Pronoun. Good luck to you no matter what result happens!:heart:



I want to give a final good luck to my fellow opponents @Erstavik and @Pronoun. Good luck to you no matter what result happens!:heart:


@UnitedDisneyStates That means a lot. Good luck to you too! :heart:


For anyone that hasn’t voted yet and has last minute question regarding my campaign. DM me on Discord

Discord username: uniteddisneystates
Telegram me: United Disney States
Or private message me on the forums: UnitedDisneyStates


To all residents of the South Pacific,

Today the results came out for the Prime Minister and First Round of delegate elections. I didn’t win this election for Prime Minister. I came in third place. Which is a strong and important start to a newer person that is just slowly climbing up the ranks now in TSP politics. I want to thank the people that voted for me and saw in me that I can do a great job as Prime Minister.

I also want to thank my opponent @Erstavik as we are both the new kids on the block and is both our first time running. Erstavik was a very friendly opponent and did wonderfully in the debate and it was such an honor debating with you.

I also want to thank the Prime Minister-elect @Pronoun for being a great opponent and for being a great debater. I also personally sent him a message and conceded the election to Esfalsa. I wish him the best of luck.

I hope I can get to work with my opponents eventually. I want to thank all my supporters and the people who voted for me and I hope to see you around!

United Disney States
January 2025 Prime Minister Candidate


Ok, I am kinda digging this concession speech thing. Can we make this a new tradition to develop?

All that aside, great job on your campaign! A new person running for the head of government role is a value that the South Pacific sorely needs. I hope to see you run again in three months!


I would love for a concession speech to be a tradition!

You never know. You may see me in three months. Thank you!

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