The Zimbron Republic

[Image: Zimbron-Republic-Ultimate-Final.png]
News > Economy > Myria
Triad’s economic therapy shows promising signs
By Meilin Zhu, 28 July 2023.

Rashin night skyline. Source: PHOTO NEWS.

The Myrian economy has taken a serious dent in the past few months. Economists from all over the world have voiced cautionary tales of the potential burst of Myria’s economy. An induced loan spree from tourism companies after a record tourism season has left the economy on top a wiggly raft. The Myrian people also took out their fury in the elections, ushering the return of the social democrats to power and the defeat of the Liberal Party. The new President Amar Jubran set out appeal to fellow Triad leaders to stabilise the emerging Mediterranean economy after the disclosure of corruption between bankers and liberal politicians.

The Triad summit of roughly a month ago brought the three heads of state as well as the finance ministers together. In a surprise turn of events, a clear solution had been stipulated to offer a multi-facetted solution. On the one hand we have appealing Myrian state obligations and on the other a unique fiscal policy.

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The unique bond between the three states has resulted in the government of Stoinia & Sallodesia to allow corporate tax cuts between 5 to 15% for specific business practices in Myria. These range from investments to down right founding daughter companies in the Myrian market. This has given birth to a renewed entrepreneurial spirit among Myrians who now receive large scale investments from fellow Triad companies. The country has experienced a wave of new start-ups, forever altering the economic landscape of Myria. Myria was known for its large corporations and their increasing power of its economy, but right now the Myrian economy is shifting to a wider array of highly developed companies of medium size.

The Myrian economy is recuperating now, but economists from the Sunrise Triad have voiced their support of this new fiscal policy. It strikes a clever balance of liberalism while limiting the growing control of oligarchic corporate empires. While their dominion remains present still, the rise of smaller & medium sized companies will alter the economy significantly as well as the political landscape. In a surprise turn the social democrats have taken liberal steps, but also renewed the entrepreneurial spirit of its populace. While the economy will be better off, the Myrian social democrats might be in for a surprise next election.