The State of the Losavral War

This is an OOC post regarding the state of the Losavral war. This is the primary post that will be used to track the state of the war.

The two rebellious factions consolidate their power over the war-torn south, and an unexpected move the Communists reveal their hand, with the large and powerful tribe known as Atrissian Tzara, comprising mostly ethnic Tzarans, revolting in their favor- bringing at least a portion of the fighting right on Ikaranara’s doorstep. Losavra’s only island, Nalassal, is cut off from its landed brethren, and braces for attacks from the Atrissians who surely would want control.

Stats: (Generalized)
Losavral Organization: Little to none
The Losavral government was completely unprepared for this conflict, and the government nearly collapsed. The central government has little to no authority, and is at the mercy of whoever happens to control Řavabos- which just happens to be the coalition forces, allowing the tribes to act as virtually independent states.

Coalition strength: High
The Coalition, being an alliance of proper militaries, has a significant military force.

Coalition Authority: Medium
The military might and allegiance to the Losavral governments lends the coalition some credibility, but it is made up mostly of foreigners, giving Losavrals fearful flashbacks to the Great War and the Ikaranarean War on Terror. Most Losavrals are trusting- but their nervousness means that their trust is easily revoked.

Communist Strength: High
The communists have a large stockpile of munitions, one of the largest military forces in Losavra at their side, and help from several international groups, including the infamous Terra Firma. Either group must be cautious when engaging them.

Communist Authority: High
The communists were able to take control not only due to a monopolization of weapons and power, but because many people preferred them over the current Losavral government. Combined with their organization, the communists are almost able to run as their own government.

Nationalist Strength: Medium-high
The nationalists have the aid of the internationally feared RIM, and an expansive cache of weapons systems that would give even a proper military pause. However, their support, relatively, is lower, and should the RIM ever pull out their fight could be a lost cause.
Nationalist Authority: Medium-high
The nationalists’ overwhelming power combined with their religious fundamentalist aspects lend them much credence in the eyes of many Losavrals, though disparaging many of non-indavral ethnicities. Their seat of power is deeply rooted in the city of Balav as well, and if it were to be wrest from their control it could spell doom for their entire operation.

List of military participants:

( * indicates primary member(s) of group.)
Ikaranara *
Past *
Losavral Government *
Frost Empire

Proud Losavrals *
Bvarai Benêr *
Reizen Independence Movement
Castemuran Cartels (Switched for balancing purposes)

Losavral People’s Front *
Terra Firma
International Brigades (ISPWL)