The League Embassy

I’ll make something more impressive to put as the OP eventually! Pinky promise!

Monthly Foreign Report
October 2022

Produced, edited, and compiled on behalf of the Republic of The League by the Department of Foreign Affairs

General Foreign Affairs Report
Authored by Tirol.

Regarding topics about foreign affairs since 1 September 2022:

There have been a number of developments in the Department of Foreign Affairs:

On 12 September the founding of our new regional forum also marked the introduction of forum threads for allies and embassies of The League.

On 14 September after six months of no formal relations, The League and Lazarus restored on-site embassies.

On 25 September, The League ratified the Treaty of Savotta and Ribe, codifying the relationship with Balder and marking a new era in our relations.

Three new diplomatic agents have joined the Department of Foreign Affairs over the last month.

All reassignments of ambassadors may be viewed here.

The Director of Foreign Affairs at the time of this report is Tirol.

The League’s Defense Forces Foreign Report
Authored by Quebecshire.

The League’s Defense Forces has had an incredibly successful and active month, showing regular displays of power and skill across numerous victories. Our turnouts and general training have improved substantially and many reports were published throughout the month. In addition to chasing victories such as those on 14 September, we had several training and detagging operations such as an impromptu operation the following day and Operation Sunscraper, which allowed us to continue practicing fundamentals. Otherwise we conducted regular smaller scale operations and liberations of smaller raider holds. Off update, we supported Thaecia’s delegate transition as their ally upon request.

Concurrent to Operation Sunscraper, we announced the promotion of now-Lieutenant Icaris. We are happy to have welcomed him to our officer corps, which now contains five highly trained military leaders. He has taken well to the new job and the LDF has also gained several new members recently which have begun conducting operations.

The General of the League Defense Forces at the time of this report is New Makasta.

Consulate Foreign Report
Authored by Creeperopolis.

Opening nominations for the September–November 2022 term of the Council of the Republic concluded, and 18 new Council Delegates were confirmed to the Council, the most Delegates the Council has ever had since its establishment in May 2019.

The League and Concord continued manual recruitment efforts throughout September. Creeperopolis was the month’s Top Recruiter, counting in a total of 141 hours of recruiting. In total, both regions counted 528 hours of manual recruiting.

On 30 September 2022, The League surpassed 500 members and Concord surpassed 360 members. Additionally, Creeperopolis surpassed 150 endorsements, and Mechanocracy surpassed 75 endorsements.

The League and Concord participated in N-Day 7 as members of the Potato Alliance.

The League and Concord have established a new regional forum.

The Office of the Consulate at the time of this report is as follows,

[list]Chief Consul Creeperopolis
Consul Quebecshire
Consul Paleocacher[/list]

Concord Update
Authored by Icaris.

During the month of September, Concord saw an increase in membership, WA endorsements, and activity largely due to the recruiting efforts. The number of nations rose from 216 to 357 and WA endorsements for the WA delegate rose from 42 to 75. Activity was steady, mostly generated by NationStates issues discussions, learning gameplay and conversations sparked by regional polls. Krystallum was named new Governor-General of the region, and Communications, Research, Propaganda and Engagement Officers were added to reward and bolster citizen involvement and activity.

Department of Culture Report
Authored by Zloveshchiy.

The Culture Department has received new staff members TileMakers and Moorland who have both been active and helpful to the community as a whole. Moorland in particular has started projects such as making a Regional Propaganda Poster Thread for anyone willing to post their own propaganda posters, and provided excellent work to The Potato Alliance’s Propaganda efforts, earning him the Green Heart of Spiritus. The N-Day event and our membership in the Potato Alliance provided a lot of fun and cultural enrichment to the region, and overall it was a great event for our members.

Throughout the month we ran several polls in both regions leading to high engagement, providing newer gameside members and easy way to involve themselves in the region.

The Director of Culture at the time of this report is Zloveshchiy.

As likely already noticed through the game forums at this point, The League, UDS, and FNR have issued a joint statement condemning the actions of the Brotherhood of Malice and its partners in attempting to undermine FNR’s Security Council vote. This statement can be viewed here

New Director of Foreign Affairs: Parthian Union

Hello, I am Parthian Union, I have recently been selected as the successor of Tirol for the position of Director of Foreign Affairs.

While I am grateful for this position, I know I have a long way to go to truly replace Tirol. Before this, I had been ambassador to our allies in 10000 Islands and an avid recruiter. Taking on such a role will be challenging, but I know I have a team of ready to help people who will be able to guide and support me along my journey. I plan to grow The League and Concord’s influence and credibility, as well as work closely with the military and our allies to protect and strength other communities across NationStates. The promotion and success of the defender cause will be paramount to my agenda, as it has been to our regions for some time. I look forward to continuing work with our wonderful allies, as well as forge relationships with new ones going forward. One issue which will continue to be at the forefront of my work will be the upcoming Frontiers and Strongholds update, and I plan to work to increase awareness and preparedness for the changes therein.

The League and Concord is in an unprecedented position of size and success at this time, and I hope to build off of the accomplishments made so far. Thank you, and please reach out if I am needed in any way.

Establishment of the Domestic Security Bureau

To prepare for upcoming Frontiers and Strongholds update, a new institution to secure both regions’ security and stability has been created by the Office of the Consulate, the Domestic Security Bureau (DSB). At present, this body is composed of the Consulate, the WA Delegates, and two newly appointed Vice-Delegates in Concord. For some more information, visit the DSB thread and see this message below from Mechanocracy, aka Spode Humbled Minions,

The new Domestic Security Bureau of The League & Concord is devoted to ensuring the long term safety and stability of Concord in the face of an uncertain and exciting future threat environment, and is composed of the delegate of Concord, as well as long-time community members Southwestern Federal Republic (Fandom), and Council of Feathers who have been entrusted to maintain the organization in their recently appointed capacity as Vice Delegates.

Council of Feathers, who would be known to older members as Neo Polisophos, is a Consul Emeritus, a member of The League since almost its inception, and a politician who guided the region through times both tumultuous and prosperous. Southwestern Federal Republic, more commonly known as The New Fandom Republic, has roots just as deep, was the Intelligence Director over a multiyear span, and will be upholding that legacy of protecting the region in their new post.[/quote]

Monthly Foreign Report

January 2023

Produced, edited, and compiled on behalf of the Republic of The League by the Department of Foreign Affairs

General Foreign Affairs Report

Authored by New San Antonio.

Major events in The League and Concord’s since December 1st 2022:

On December 9th long time Director of Foreign Affairs Tirol stepped down from his position due to concerns about real-life obligations and him no longer having enough time for the job.

As a result, December 13th a new Director was appointed, Parthian Union, a relatively newer member to the region who was most known for his contributions to recruitment.

One new member joined the Department of Foreign Affairs this month as a Deputy Director, myself, the person writing this report.

There was no reassignment of diplomats this month.

All reassignments of ambassadors may be viewed here.

The Director of Foreign Affairs at the time of this report is Parthian Union.

The League’s Defense Forces Foreign Report

Authored by Quebecshire.

Recent times have been utterly groundbreaking for the LDF. In the last few months we have broken a number of internal records and been pivotal to broader defender success.

During the liberation of New Westphalia we had 36 unique at-update liberators access three sieges (61 instances of .here amongst those people), and had a single update attendance of 24 members for the final siege, an organization record. Not long after the operation we promoted Raziel (aka One Small Island) to the rank of Colonel for their dedication.

Eager to capitalize off of this momentum, we have had a number of internal officer discussions regarding rank reform, onboarding reform, and retrospective discussions following recent liberations. So far this has materialized in the form of the establishment of the Eagle Militia and re-naming of several ranks.

Soon after the New Westphalia operation we supplied 23 members to the liberation of The Potato Union and provided critical numbers for defenses against small occupation attempts.

Presently, the official LDF roster lists 46 members, likely to be subject to change due to recent applications and a planned inactivity audit.

The General of the League Defense Forces at the time of this report is New Makasta.

Consulate Foreign Report

Authored by Paleocacher.

The November 2022 - January 2023 term of the Council of the Republic held nominations in both November and December, the Council is currently composed of a record 26 members and Jammy continues his Speakership from the previous term.

The League and Concord continue manual recruiting with a new Top Recruiter, Kivu, earning top spot with 200 hours last month.

The League currently has more than 700 nations and Concord has passed 400, strong figures for both regions. Endotarting programs have successfully brough our endo counts to 250+ and 130+ for Creeperopolis and Mechanocracy respectively.

The Consulate oversaw the hiring of Parthian Union as the new Director of Foreign Affairs following Tirol’s resignation and we look forward to seeing the direction he will take the Foreign Affairs agency in.

In anticipation of major pending gameplay updates the Consulate has overseen additional security precautions in the creation of the Domestic Security Bureau and the appointment of Vice-Delegates to ensure the stability of Concord and continuity of government following the release of the Frontiers and Strongholds update in the near future.

The Office of the Consulate at the time of this report is as follows,

[list]Chief Consul Creeperopolis

Consul Quebecshire

Consul Paleocacher[/list]

Concord Update

Authored by Anjan Kloss.

Since the last report, Concord’s has maintained stability despite a site-wide population downturn. Despite this and other military operations, WA endorsements on our regional delegate have remained strong and at a high level, presently 145 (the record for post-update endorsements being 146, indicating a firm stability around high numbers). We also recently congratulated Mechanocracy on 6 months as WA Delegate of Concord.

A special thank you to the 6 (7 if you count Fort Concord) nations from Concord who participated in the liberation of New Westphalia earlier this month, and contributed to the LDF’s (at the time) highest turnout in its history. Of the 6 nations who participated, 5 were volunteers, and 1 was a Private (now Minuteman) in the LDF.

As mentioned in the Consulate report, congratulations to the Council of Feathers and the Southwestern Federal Republic, who under the newly created Domestic Security Bureau, were appointed as Vice-Delegates of Concord. They will help to ensure the stability and security of Concord, especially when the new Frontiers and Strongholds update comes out. The Vice-Delegates and DSB at large have been widely successful, as both VDs have steadily claimed to over 85 endorsements.

Department of Culture Report

Authored by Zloveshchiy.

The month of Christmas is a joyous month of the year, and the one that has seen many activities within its days.

In terms of gaming and smaller activities, we had Gartic Phone and film events hosted by Paleocacher and a Hearts of Iron IV game hosted by The New Fandom Republic.

Lastly, polls have seen more consistent activity thanks to the efforts of Jack Empire and Anjan Kloss, with the polls that were made this month receiving excellent results. Also, more new nations are consistently integrating into The League thanks to the recruitment program and its recruiters.

The Culture Department is pleased to say the least, and we hope that we’ll continue providing and improving to the overall Culture sector of the region.

The Director of Culture at the time of this report is Zloveshchiy.

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Quick foreign affairs update- New San Antonio is now Director of Foreign Affairs for The League & Concord, more details can be found in our gameplay thread. Thank you for your time.

Thank you for the update

Monthly Foreign Report
February 2023

Produced, edited, and compiled on behalf of the Republic of The League by the Department of Foreign Affairs

General Foreign Affairs Report
Authored by New San Antonio.

Major events in The League’s and Concord’s Foreign Affairs since January 1st 2023:

On the 19th we alongside our friends in The Gray Wardens, Europeia, and 10000 Islands made a statement on our stances on recruitment once the Frontier and Stronghold update comes out. You can read that here.

On the 28th Director of Foreign Affairs Parthian Union stepped down from his position due to real life obligations. After he stepped down New San Antonio (myself) was chosen as the new Director of Foreign Affairs to replace him.

To end off the month on a high note on the 30th we signed the Union Town-Madison Convention with our new treaty partners in The Union of Democratic States. This treaty had been in the works for some time and both sides were very happy to finally be able to ratify the treaty.

One new member joined the Department this month, Akrah.

All reassignments of ambassadors can be viewed here.

The Director of Foreign Affairs at this time is New San Antonio.

The League’s Defense Forces Foreign Report
Authored by Quebecshire.

January was a successful and historic month for The League’s Defense Forces. Most notably, we led one of the largest counter-invasions in history in Islamic States, with over 55 members from The League and Concord participating in the invasion. The initial jump, with 60 people, was the largest non-Antifa stage in about two years, larger than any raider unity stages in recent times. Prior to this invasion, we supported our allies in The Order of the Grey Wardens in conquering Indonesia, a subsidiary of Islamic States.

Beyond this, we participated in standard defense operations throughout the month, notably through the successful interception of the Sunland refound in coordination with other defender forces.

Off-update, we launched two projects recently. The former, in tandem with the culture department, is the Port Fukuoka ship-themed initiative to add some more historical and cultural aspects to the military. Afterwards, the officer corps revamped and provided better documentation for the awards system, and to compound this recognition effort, created the LDF Profiles & Honors dispatch.

Consulate Foreign Report
Authored by Creeperopolis.

Opening nominations for the January–March 2023 term of the Council of the Republic concluded, and 22 Council Delegates were confirmed to the Council. Reykanes succeeded Jack Empire as the Speaker of the Council. Meanwhile, Jack Empire was appointed as the Director of Culture, succeeding Zloveshchiy. The League and Concord continued manual recruitment efforts throughout December. Wolveristan/Anjan Kloss was the month’s Top Recruiter, counting in a total of 212 hours of recruiting. In total, both regions counted 461 hours of manual recruiting. The Union Town–Madison Convention between The League and Concord and the Union of Democratic States was passed by the Council of the Republic on 30 January 2023 by a vote margin of 20 in favor, 0 abstentions, 0 against, and 2 absent. The region introduced the Rangers/Guardsmen program for endorsements. By the end of the month, Creeperopolis had 271 endorsements and Mechanocracy had 154 endorsements. The Office of the Consulate at the time of this report is as follows, Chief Consul Creeperopolis Consul Quebecshire Consul Paleocacher

Concord Update
Authored by Anjan Kloss.

Despite, a continuing site-wide population decline, the site shutdown over Christmas, Concord has continued to thrive!

Since the last report, our WA delegate reached their highest number of endorsements since the takeover of Concord, our Vice delegates are also maintaining a high number of endorsements. On January 29th, we launched our Ranger Program to recognize all of the nations who are helping to increase regional security by endorsing both our WA delegate and our Vice Delegates.

Our population, has remained relatively stable, even with the site issues and several lengthy military operations. The regional RMB has continued to be very active with various different topics, including discussion about the Gateway Roleplay.

As always, a special thank you to those that participated in our military operation, especially those that Participated in the invasions of Indonesia and Islamic States.

P.S. expect a new format for the Foreign Affairs report soon

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I bring news from The League- We have a new Consul joining the Consulate. More information is available on the NationStates forums here:
Thank you for your time.

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Congratulations, Consul!

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Oh gosh, like none of that formatting worked correctly- Anyhow!
The League has a new foreign affairs update! Here’s a link to it on the NS forums

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Thanks Spode

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We’ve got another Foreign Affairs report, available here:

Thanks Spode!

Hello again! We’ve had an eventful time, which you can read about more here: NationStates • View topic - The League & Concord | It's Red Octover

Hope y’all had a great Z-Day and Halloween!

Howdy! Our last report for 2023 has arrived, and is available here:

Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Yuletide, or simply just “things are going to get vaguely less dreary each day now” (hemisphere dependent I guess) to those who celebrate.

The League and Concord invites you to our 8th Anniversary Festival! Join us in playing games, participate in our art contest, and more as we celebrate the contributions and efforts of those who’ve helped us get to where we are today!

Schedule Dispatch: NationStates | Dispatch | 8th Anniversary Festival Schedule - The League & Concord
Discord: The League & Concord

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Hello hello! We at The League and Concord have a rare change of the top leadership, with Kivu (which some of you may recognize from their activities in Libcord) taking over for retiring Consul Creeperopolis, who will be retiring right into a position of Director for our new Internal Affairs department.

More information can be found here:

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Congrats to Kivu, and thanks for the update, boss!