The Gulf War, formerly called the Cordilian Crisis, officially began on Sep 19, 2024 at 21:47. Although hostilities had been brewing for months, with Krauanagaz and the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan vying for influence across the Okhoa Protectorate, particularly on its key islands. Both powers covertly supported sympathetic factions— Krauanagaz bolstering groups in Keyli and Zuhlgan arming militant factions within Krauanagaz and Mitallduk. Amidst this, a cascade of events drove both sides toward open conflict.
On September 1, 2024, a critical leak of classified documents from Emeraldian intelligence— published on Wikileaks— revealed a covert Zuhlgani connection to Red K leadership. The documents highlighted Zuhlgan’s provision of advanced weaponry to anti-Krauanagazan militants, fueling attacks on Krauanagaz citizens and forces. This disclosure sparked a mutiny within Red K, leading to the killing or escape of Zuhlgani operatives. Following the Red K mutiny, the group entered into negotiations with the Messengers of Tallaz, and on September 12, 2024, they entered into a formal alliance. This joint group has opened ceasefire negotiations with the Krauanagazan government, effectively pausing most hostilities in the Kevpríg Province.
The document leak drove deep animosity from Krauanagaz toward the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan; As the documents clearly link Zuhlgan to Red K leadership and demonstrate that Zuhlgan prompted the deadly September 1, 2024, attack on the Krauanagazan cruiser, KFNS Maai, at Omen Joint Naval Base on Kevprital Island. The attack killed 30 Krauanagazan sailors, including the warship’s executive officer (XO or X/O).
Also taking place on September 1, was a naval incident in the Kraudukra Sea. A Zuhlgani submarine fired a practice torpedo, which struck a Krauanagazan patrol ship causing significant damage to the ship’s propulsion systems and inflicting minor injuries on the crew.
Both incidents are in retaliation for the July 27, 2024 assassination attempt on Arkava Ga’klar Ibinete IV carried out by Krauanagaz’s Federal Defense Intelligence Agency (FDIA), this assassination attempt is part of a broader investigation into the FDIA by an appointed investigator. IC… On August 27, 2024, the World Forum released a report based on their findings and stated that it was “plausible” that Krauanagazan forces organized the assassination attempt.
The coup attempt in Zuhlgan in early 2024 has no relation to these events, that was strictly an internal affair.
On September 2, 2024, Krauanagaz disabled a Zuhlgani fighter testing the bounds of Krauanagaz’s declared No-fly Zone over Southern Mitallduk. The pilot ejected and was detained by Krauanagazan forces, while the aircraft was mostly destroyed upon impact. Krauanagaz also issued mandatory evacuation orders for over 370,000 citizens and nearly 500,000 refugees in border regions on September 2.
On September 5, 2024, Zuhlgan launched an offensive to take Mitallduk’s nuclear research facility. On September 7, they had successfully taken full control of the facility and allegedly disabled the two nuclear warheads stored there on September 10.
On September 7, 2024, Zuhlgan launched a cyberattack against Krauanagaz causing widespread internet and power outages in northern and central provinces. Telecommunications were also affected, significantly impacting emergency services and civilian healthcare infrastructure.
Also occurring on September 7, a coalition of militant groups in Mitallduk launched a highly coordinated assault on Krauanagazan, Mitalldukish government, and Emeraldian forces. The anti-terrorism Coalition was caught off-guard by the sudden organization and effectiveness of the militant attack, which was largely planned by Zuhlgani military advisors who have since left the Mitallduk region to avoid detection. Although the Mitalldukish Provisional Government has accused Zuhlgan of aiding the militants in Mitallduk, they can only provide circumstantial evidence as of now.
As of September 12, 2024, Krauanagazan, Emeraldian, and Zuhlgani forces are no longer present in any area of Mitallduk. Zuhlgan withdrew following their seizure of the nuclear warheads and research from Mitallduk’s facility. While Krauanagazan and Emeraldian forces were pushed back to the original Mitallduk-Krauanagaz borders by the Mitalldukish militants. Over 10.6 million people have been displaced at this point.
Also on September 12, Zuhlgan announced naval exercises just outside of Krauanagaz’s territorial waters involving multiple warships and submarines, combined with large-scale military exercises in Zuhlgan’s Prira province which borders Krauanagaz.
On September 13, 2024, Zuhlgan and Nicholas and Great Britain (NaGB) formally entered into talks regarding an economic partnership, the Transcrabrian Partnership, which came into fruition on September 20, 2024.
On September 17, 2024, following weeks of speculation, the Okhoa Regional Council began deliberations on the Okhoa Autonomy Act, which would grant the territory more independence from Zuhlgan while still maintaining its presence. The act is technically illegal under Zuhlgani Occupation law, however, the Zuhlgani government is looking to maintain what it can of its reputation and the news media is unrestricted in Okhoa due to Regional Council acts permitted under its limited autonomy from Zuhlgan.
Also on September 17, the Zuhlgani government was confirmed to have transferred a third squadron of fighters to an airbase on New Takara Island. On this day the Krauanagazan government also reported a naval incident between two of its warships and a Zuhlgani vessel, which was a ship collision that resulted in minor damage to all involved vessels and was largely a result of aggressive maneuvers by Krauanagazan vessels.
On September 18, 2024, there was a shooting by Zuhlgani forces at a protest in Varekko which resulted in the deaths of 3 people due to gunshot wounds. One of those killed was a Krauanagazan intelligence operative undercover as a human rights activist and did indeed fire shots at Zuhlgani forces leading to the exchange of fire. Krauanagaz will not confirm, deny, or refer to the Zuhlgani accusations IC.
Also on September 18, Krauanagazan and Zuhlgani fighters collided in flight over what Zuhlgan considers its Security Zone in the Gulf of Good Omen.
On September 19, 2024 at 21:47 Krauanagaz officially declared a state of war against Zuhlgan.
On September 20, 2024, the Okhoa Protectorate declared a state of emergency following militant attacks on Zuhlgani forces along the coast near Dead Man’s Strait.
Strategic Goals
Primary Objective: Maintain territorial integrity and defend against Zuhlgani aggression.
Secondary Objectives:
- Secure the borders of Krauanagaz, especially along the Mitallduk region and the Gulf of Good Omen.
- Prevent further Zuhlgani incursions or influence in Krauanagazan territory or Disputed Mitallduk.
- Maintain internal stability, especially regarding the refugee crisis, displaced citizens, and the impact of Zuhlgani cyberattacks.
- Bolster international image and encourage international diplomatic and economic sanctions against Zuhlgan.
Tactical Focus: Retaliatory strikes against Zuhlgani military infrastructure, defending no-fly zones, and countering cyberattacks while avoiding escalations that could draw Krauanagaz into a prolonged war with Zuhlgan.
Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan
Primary Objective: Expand Zuhlgani influence and assert dominance over the Gulf of Good Omen and surrounding territories.
Secondary Objectives:
- Ensure control over key strategic assets in Okhoa
- Undermine Krauanagaz’s and Emerald’s political and military power through direct military engagement and proxy conflicts (supporting militant groups).
- Secure economic and military partnerships (e.g., Transcrabrian Partnership with Nicholas and Great Britain) to bolster internal and external support.
- Prevent Okhoa Protectorate from achieving full autonomy and maintain Zuhlgani control over the region.
Tactical Focus: Strategic naval and air superiority, support for local insurgencies and militant groups, aggressive cyber operations, and maintaining diplomatic pressure through alliances.
Mitallduk Militants
Primary Objective: Establish control over Mitallduk and organize a robust government.
Secondary Objectives:
- Leverage support from Zuhlgani military advisors while avoiding direct Zuhlgani control over the region.
- Use the chaos in Mitallduk to consolidate control over local resources and key territories.
Tactical Focus: Reconstruction of damaged infrastructure and construction of fortifications, as well as exploiting political and military gaps left by the withdrawal of foreign powers and collapse of Mitallduk.
Okhoa Militants
Primary Objective: Weaken Zuhlgani control over the Okhoa Protectorate and establish autonomous governance.
Secondary Objectives:
- Gain support from international actors or neighboring nations sympathetic to the independence movement.
- Target Zuhlgani military and political installations to disrupt their control over the Protectorate.
- Avoid significant retaliation by coordinating with militant groups outside the Zuhlgani sphere of control.
Tactical Focus: Guerilla warfare, surprise coastal attacks (e.g., Dead Man’s Strait), and disrupting Zuhlgani military supply lines.
Red K and Messengers of Tallaz (MOT) Alliance
Primary Objective: Negotiate favorable ceasefire and political outcomes with the Krauanagazan government to avoid complete destruction.
Secondary Objectives:
- Strengthen control over the regions where they are active, especially in the Kevpríg Province.
- Leverage ceasefire negotiations to gain political legitimacy or concessions from Krauanagaz.
Tactical Focus: Consolidation of power in areas under their control, avoiding direct confrontation with Krauanagaz, and pushing for favorable ceasefire terms.
Current Status of the War (Last Updated: 30 January 2025)
(New) Krauanagaz-Zuhlgan Peace Talks Stalled : Peace talks brokered by the World Forum have stalled, with both sides accusing the other of bad faith. Krauanagaz has demanded the withdrawal of Zuhlgani forces from Eastern Prira and Lumayyaratal, while Zuhlgan insists on guarantees that Krauanagaz will cease support for separatist groups in Okhoa and Mitallduk. The international community has expressed frustration at the lack of progress, but neither side appears willing to compromise.
(New) Krauanagazan Economic Crisis Deepens : Krauanagaz’s economy is teetering on the brink of collapse as the war drags on. The refugee crisis, combined with the destruction of critical infrastructure and disruptions to trade, has led to skyrocketing inflation and widespread shortages. The government has imposed rationing in several provinces, sparking protests and further straining public morale.
(New) Zuhlgani Naval Blockade : Zuhlgan has imposed a naval blockade on Krauanagaz’s southern coast, cutting off vital supply lines and further isolating the nation. Krauanagazan attempts to break the blockade have so far been unsuccessful, with several ships sunk or damaged in skirmishes. The blockade has also disrupted humanitarian aid shipments, worsening the already dire situation in refugee camps.
(New) Zuhlgani Counteroffensive Gains Ground : Zuhlgan’s counteroffensive in the Northwestern Prira region has made significant progress, pushing Krauanagazan forces back toward the border. The rugged terrain and harsh winter weather have slowed Krauanagaz’s retreat, but Zuhlgani forces are reportedly closing in on key supply routes. Krauanagaz has called for emergency reinforcements, but logistical challenges and mounting casualties are straining its military capacity.
(Ongoing) Transcrabrian Partnership Strengthens : Zuhlgan’s economic and military alliance with Nicholas and Great Britain (NaGB) continues to bolster its position. The Transcrabrian Partnership has provided Zuhlgan with much-needed resources and diplomatic support, allowing it to weather international sanctions and maintain its war effort. However, the partnership has also drawn criticism from other nations, who accuse NaGB of enabling Zuhlgan’s aggression.
(Ongoing) Battle of Lumayyaratal : The brutal battle for Lumayyaratal continues, with both sides committing additional troops and resources to the fight. The city, now largely reduced to rubble, remains a symbol of the war’s devastation. Krauanagazan forces have managed to hold the city center, but Zuhlgani forces control the outskirts, leading to a deadly stalemate. Civilian casualties are estimated to be in the thousands, with many trapped in the crossfire.
(Ongoing) Contagious Outbreak Spreads : The unidentified pathogen first detected in Northern Krauanagaz and Western Zuhlgan has spread to refugee camps in Mitallduk and Okhoa. Doctors Without Borders (NLL) reports that the death toll has surpassed 5,000, with no effective treatment or vaccine in sight. Overcrowding and poor sanitation in refugee camps are exacerbating the crisis, and aid organizations are struggling to contain the outbreak.
(Recent) Mitallduk Ceasefire: The Takaran People’s Army (TPA) and Purity Vanguard (PV), now in control of much of Mitallduk, declare a unilateral ceasefire and offer to negotiate with the remnants of the Mitalldukish government. However, the ceasefire is fragile, and skirmishes continue in rural areas. The TPA/PV coalition begins consolidating its power, imposing strict authoritarian rule, and cracking down on dissent.
Krauanagazan Invasion of Zuhlgan: On October 7 Krauanagazan forces began an operation involving the invasion of Zuhlgan. Krauanagaz and Zuhlgan have committed significant portions of their militaries to the invasion/defense. Krauanagazan units are fighting in rugged mountain terrain that has been heavily fortified by the Zuhlgani military. Thousands have been killed and wounded on both sides as more forces are committed to the frontlines.
Okhoa Referendum: Zuhlgani representative and Okhoa leadership have agreed to hold a vote regarding Okhoa’s status as a protectorate on May 26.
Meeting in Zhukakara: The Zuhlgani government hosted the Izaakian foreign minister to discuss regional affairs and a potential deal surrounding an internal Zuhlgani matter.
Kevpríg Ceasefire: The ceasefire negotiations between the Krauanagazan government and the Red K-Messengers of Tallaz (MOT) alliance have paused most hostilities in Kevpríg Province. This region has been a major battleground, but the ceasefire offers a temporary respite.
Coastal Attacks in Okhoa: Militants launched coordinated attacks on Zuhlgani forces along the Okhoa Protectorate coast, near Dead Man’s Strait, on September 20, leading to the declaration of a state of emergency by the Protectorate.
Zuhlgani Military Reinforcement: Zuhlgani forces have deployed a third squadron of fighters to New Takara Island, reinforcing their presence in the region and enhancing their ability to project power across the Gulf of Good Omen.
Transcrabrian Partnership: Talks between Zuhlgan and Nicholas and Great Britain (NaGB) led to the formation of the Transcrabrian Partnership on September 20, 2024. This economic agreement strengthens Zuhlgan’s diplomatic and economic position, providing key allies amidst growing international isolation.
Okhoa Autonomy Act: The Okhoa Regional Council is debating the Okhoa Autonomy Act, which would grant the Protectorate greater independence from Zuhlgani control. This is causing internal tension within Zuhlgan, as granting autonomy would undermine Zuhlgani occupation, but suppressing the movement risks further destabilization and international condemnation.
Krauanagaz Economic Strain: Krauanagaz’s economy is under significant pressure due to the refugee crisis, displaced citizens, and the need to rebuild critical infrastructure damaged by the cyberattack. Trade routes through the Gulf of Good Omen are increasingly risky, further straining Krauanagazan commerce.
Zuhlgani Economy and Sanctions: Zuhlgan is facing increased economic pressure as international powers and nearby nations consider sanctions in response to its aggressive actions. However, the Transcrabrian Partnership may alleviate some of this burden by opening new trade routes and markets.
Map of Conflict Zones and Controlled Territories
Unit positions as of January 12, 2025.
Frontline as of Jan 26, 2025.
Lumayyaratal battle map as of Jan. 19, 2025.
Faction Status and Military Overview
Krauanagaz Federation
The Krauanagaz Federation maintains a professional, highly disciplined force estimated at around 1.2 million active duty personnel. The Krauanagazan military is highly trained, especially its mechanized infantry and special operations forces. They rely heavily on conventional warfare and are experienced in urban combat and large-scale engagements.
Krauanagaz focuses on maintaining control over key strategic points in the Gulf of Good Omen, as well as defending its territorial integrity. Their strategy emphasizes a combination of heavy mechanized forces, air superiority, and naval power to dominate key supply routes and choke points. Krauanagazan forces prefer decisive, large-scale engagements rather than prolonged guerrilla-style warfare.
The Krauanagazan military is equipped with a mix of modern and older equipment. They possess advanced artillery, tanks, and fighter jets, but are sometimes hampered by outdated logistics and communication systems. Their naval forces are formidable in the region, including 35 destroyers and 2 submarines. Air defenses are solid, relying on Emeraldian surface-to-air missile systems and fighter interceptors.
Krauanagaz typically has a strong, diversified economy with robust industrial and energy sectors, which provide the resources necessary to sustain long-term military campaigns. However, the cost of maintaining its military operations in the Gulf accompanied by the ongoing refugee crisis has placed a significant strain on its finances, leading to rising national debt and internal economic pressures resulting in a political realignment in the November 2024 elections.
Krauanagaz has close ties with several regional or global powers, most notably Mitallduk and Emerald. It also has access to limited support from international partners like Kliegme, although these relationships are often strained by Krauanagaz’s aggressive posture or military failures in the region. While Krauanagaz is aligned against Zuhlgan, its alliances are primarily defensive and geared toward maintaining the status quo of the region.
Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan
Zuhlgan fields one of the largest standing armies in the region, with an estimated 1.9 million active duty personnel and significant reserves. It is highly disciplined, bolstered by a long-standing military tradition, and led by experienced commanders who have modernized their forces for rapid deployment. Elite forces like the Zahalniya Guard and the Zhukvari Division are infamous for their ruthless efficiency, particularly in urban and mountainous terrain operations.
Zuhlgan’s military strategy is largely offensive, with an aim to assert dominance over the Gulf and Transcrabrian regions and secure strategic resources like precious metals and natural gas. Their end goal is to destabilize Krauanagaz and annex contested territories, including parts of the former Milltaduk Confederacy. Zuhlgan often employs a rapid-strike strategy, using overwhelming force and surprise attacks, particularly through air superiority and missile strikes. Zuhlgan has incorporated cyber warfare into its strategy, launching high-profile attacks on Krauanagazan infrastructure, including power grids and military networks.
Zuhlgan is known for its K-34S Tactical Fighter and Zakan-class Destroyers, which have been crucial in dominating airspace and securing naval superiority in the Transcrabrian Sea. Despite its military strength, Zuhlgan’s reliance on high-tech warfare means any disruption to its supply lines or access to advanced components (such as microchips or fuel) could cripple its war effort.
The Holy Dominion maintains a robust war economy, heavily industrialized and backed by a combination of state-controlled resources and military production. However, sanctions from the international community have begun to bite, particularly affecting its ability to procure advanced tech components.
Zuhlgan is diplomatically isolated due to its isolationist and often pompous diplomatic stance, with few international allies. However, it has support from some rogue states and has secured trade deals with non-aligned nations, particularly for arms and technologies. Zuhlgan is suspected of leveraging alliances with militant groups in Mitallduk and other regions to destabilize Krauanagaz and keep them bogged down in asymmetric warfare.