The Glorious Anarchist Revolution has Begun!

The Court implores the people’s prosecutor to make a statement on the guilt of the defendant.

The Court has realized that this is in fact the sentencing phase, and the people’s prosecutor is actually implored to recommend an appropriate sentence for the defendant, preferably the harshest one he can possibly rationalize. The defendant @Moon (who is to be addressed henceforth solely as “convict” in addition to the appropriate pronouns in the second person and “the defendant” in addition to the appropriate pronouns in the third person) is invited to make a statement in their own defence with a separate sentencing recommendation for themselves if they wish.

Comfed has been expelled from the University of the South Pacific

The UTSP is a corrupt elite-controlled institution. I welcome this development!

The Tribunal has considered this request and finds @Moon (the defendant) in contempt of court for his insulting portraits of the Jurors.

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The Office of the Prime Minister is abolished and is set to be replaced with the Composite Minister.

It would seem the defendant has fled jurisdiction


Bangs gavel

I am pro-arson

was Moon guilty?


welcome back

It seems as though revolutionary fervour has diminished somewhat.


Bloody shame

True revolutionaries wouldn’t just stop after the criminal flees, they’d grab their pitchforks and chase them down in the streets!

i agree
hands pitchfork to Legend
here you go, Now go fetch

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@Moon I’m afraid you must return to court this instant, lest I be forced to execute you farmer-style

I always knew the peasants had revolutionary potential.

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The Committee for Revolutionary Anarchy tried to execute @Legend, but no matter how many times we threw silly string at him, he failed to be executed. We thus order that he, by his own free will & without coercion, leave the Revolutionary Anarchist Commune immediately on pain of death.

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The pain of death pales at the pain I feel about not being executed. The swing of a blade cannot compare to the throbbing of the heart