The Free Exile

Created by Kazfek on the tenth of October 2022 the free exile was created by Kazfek to advocate for reforms to the imperial system of Draconica, dismiss rumors and spread knowledge to the wider world about the nation

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Education in Draconica
Article by Kazfek, written 10/10/2022
The island of Draconica lacks a vital necessity to any modern state, education, during the short reign of the 20 man republic the University of Vipdsec had been opened but the entrance prices were too high and all the books were copies of badly translated foreign books. I believe in the importance of some level of democracy to any society but this cannot be achieved until we have taught the people to at least read. The hardest difficulty for education in the nation will be the lack of urbanization which makes it difficult to properly place schools. If the nation is to accept a constitutional monarchy with democracy it must be educated. I do believe people have the will to be educated I just believe they lack the resources for it. When the time comes for the new imperial government to fail, education must be enshrined as a important part of the next government to rule. Seeing the troubles in education I propose that if I where to rule I would place the schools outside the estates of surrounding nobles since most peasents know their way to and from that location already.

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Protecting democracy
Article by Kazfek, Written 10/11/2022
Whilst no one can deny the importance of upholding democracy on a national scale and using it to defend the rights of its people it has certain drawbacks too. I have noticed in my studies of the region I have been recently introduced to that democracy can easily lead into tyranny as there is no one to protect it. I believe it the goal of any good monarch to protect democracy by overseeing election results and preventing tyrannical parties. The will of the people and their wishes must be followed but not everyone has the access to the information a monarch would and so not everyone makes smart decisions for themselves in a democracy. I believe it the rule of any humble servant of state such as a powerful monarch to have their intent goal to watch and monitor their nation’s democracy to prevent the fall of it. We must not allow ourselves to fall to the guise of dictatorship and so any good democracy should have two institutions, the democracy and the one who oversees and protects it.

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The factions of Dervip: Universalists part 1

Article by Kazfek, Written 10/13/2022

The Dervip are inspired by the 20 man republic and its founder ideologies but the most radical of them is the Universalists. The 20 man republic was when for the first and last time, 20 young adults each from a different important noble family where allowed to visit outside the nation and where given massive amounts of money to spend on the visit. None of that matters currently and let us instead focus on the philosophy created by the then 21 year old Ethjur. Ethjur was unique amongst the 20 since he didn’t focus on overall knowledge and instead focused on archeology and the development of historical politics. He is popular even though his many conclusions are flawed and wrong, he has still made a popular impression on the Dervip mindset. The universalists believe that every society is naturally floating towards democracy but this is hindered by the powerful and underdevelopment in society. They believe that the industrial revolution has unlocked the ability for what they know as true democracy. Although the Universalist view of democracy is actually a rejection of the traditional egalitarian and individualist views of democracy. They believe that each person is born with a certain set of unchanging natural talents and interests and so each person is born destined for a certain role in life. They want all levels of government to be elected, including the military as they believe that since people have limited knowledge of themselves and others can observe them that the people would elect those who are best fit for the role. Their view on democracy is rather interesting. They believe that democracy stems from the community and as such democracy should be organized regionally as direct democracies and then a representative democracy is set up nationally to keep the bare minimum required for democracy and society’s functioning. They even believe that democracy should be applied to electing leaders for the military. Now I will not be covering universalist economics right now and will come back to that soon but in conclusion universalists are so radical for democracy that they bend the common views of democracy backwards and reject basic facts of human nature and logic

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The factions of Dervip: Universalists part 2
Article by Kazfek, Written 10/16/2022, Published 10/17/2022
Whilst I disagree with the Universalists politically I am actually a firm believer in universalist economics and my visit to the foreign world has only strengthened my beliefs in it. Universalist economics mainly revolves around what they call negotiated scarcity and how it drives history. The universalists do not deny that scarification of resources exists and affects cost but they also believe that the price of goods is warped by negotiated scarticy. According to univeralist economics each base resource or material that comes from the earth has an intrinsic value according to his strength, uses, durability and ect but due to limited human knowledge as the good moves from source to source it’s value is distorted based off what others tell each in speech and through price signals. The universalist believes that it is the goal of the state to oversee the pricing and extraction of base resources in order to keep their price at their real value according to their usability and actual scarcity. Of course to them all goods cost are based on two things, the cost of labor that went into a product and the cost of the base materials that went into the product or the cost of the new forms of base materials that went into the product. If I Kazfek were to become leader of Draconica, I would implement price caps and production standards onto all base resources on the island. Now trouble is added when foreign competition is added into a market and the universalists consider the introduction of foreign companies who can act freely to cause what they and I call the distortion effect. The distortion effect is what happens when the prices of goods from foreign countries are introduced to a different country. When the distortion effect begins prices of all goods will either rise or shrink as the negotiated scarcity based prices of either nation attempt to equalize due to what the universalists call the anti-competition effect. The process of rising or declining goods is followed by a rise of unemployment and a loss of money for either the foreign or native industry; this is known as the free-market operation principle. After one side has won the winner will become a monopoly and will proceed to determine negotiated scarcity at will and will also be guaranteed a monopoly until foreign interference can begin once again. So if I were to become monarch of Draconica, I would enforce foreign companies to operate strictly under watch of the government and I would also put in place anti-monopoly policies. Of course the examples I used today revolve around free markets but we have yet to see universality principles be used by a government in action.

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A civil war: The Dervip’s folly
Article by Kazfek 11/2/2022
The Dervip had possessed an annoyance under all former administrations but never a major threat. Who ever thought it was a good idea for revolution now is stupid. The Dervip have numbers in the East but not the gun and ammunition to finish their stupid civil war. It would take luck or a skilled leader to win this civil war for them. Anyways this article was extremely short but since the Dervip have a limited time I might as well finish their ideologies up soon

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The fatal flaw of realizationism
Article by Kazfek 11/16/2022
Realizationism is another of the ideologies that descends from the 20 man republic but this one comes from a man named Ethyer. Realizationism is a poor attempt to combine traditional dynastic government with democratic traditions. If you where to ask a realizationist how to run a parliament they would say “allow only elder males to join parliament and require the head of each family to attend once a year”. Of course the ideology has shifted less from that more extreme parliamentary idea. Modern realizationist argue that whilst not required to join all heads of each family should be encouraged to run. Realizationist believe all laws shall be passed and enacted like a law passed by a Retyer. The Realizationist are in turn extreme parliamentarians and disagree with even the idea of a prime minister. The ideology believes that they have realized the true way to combine tradition and democracy but they are instead wrong. In my next article I will cover another Dervip ideology: Unitism