The East Pacific Embassy

Hello TSP!! Delegate elections have concluded with the appointment of Shadow/Eastern Alksearia as the next leader of TEP’s Executive!! You can check the election process and winner announcement here.

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Congratulations to Shadow!

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Hello again TSP!! Yesterday, Shadow announced their cabinet for the newly started term. I forward here the message they posted on TEP’s main Discord server:

ALRIGHTY FOLKS! Welcome to the Shadow Administration!

Delegate: Shadow
CMoFA: Dremaur
CMoRA: Aga
Minister of Culture: I’m Dead
Minister of News: [POSITION IS OPEN]
Minister of Outreach: Sammy (New Leganes)
Minister of World Assembly: Cappedore
UTEP Chancellor: Patchorisu (interim) [POSITION IS OPEN]
Overseeing Officer of EPSA: Vor
Cabinet Advisors: Serge (Libertanny), Aurora (Albrook), Altys

Ex Oriente Lux!

So help me Ademar if you ask under which Concordat

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Congratulations to the new Cabinet!

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Shadow thanks your congrats!!!

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Hello again TSP!! With a bit of delay due to my laptop’s repairing, I bring you all the latest EPNS edition:

The 21st Edition of the Eastern Pacific News Service has been published! Do give it a read - this month has topics including our new Delegate, their cabinet, ongoing flag contests, legal happenings with the region, N-and-Z-Day in review, and NS Trading Cards Season 3.

Do check it out within:

Dispatch: NationStates | Dispatch | EPNS Lite November 2022 Issue

TEP Forum: EPNS Edition 21 - Lite - The East Pacific - Tapatalk

NS Forum: NationStates • View topic - Embassy of The East Pacific: S3 and EPNS?! Madness.

Hiii TSP it’s EPNS time! We released our 24th edition some hours ago, with many articles to read, including (but not limited to):

  • Delegate election!
  • Roleplay updates (and what future for a Feeder roleplay after F/S?)
  • Government updates

See it all here:
Dispatch: NationStates | Dispatch | EPNS Edition 24, June 2023 (dont forget to upvote!!)
NS Forum: NationStates • View topic - Embassy of The East Pacific: June Update

Congrats on your re-election, Altys, and thanks for the update!

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Ah, now that we changed election schedules, I’ll have to track TEP’s more closely since it isn’t the same as our’s. Congratulations on your re-election!

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Once again it’s EPNS time C: We released the July 2023 edition yesterday (I’m only slightly late!), and this time it contains (though is not limited to):

  • New Leganes gets commended!
  • Roleplay update from Valsora and Community Spotlight from Urth
  • New Minister of News appointed!

See it all here: NationStates | Dispatch | EPNS Edition 25, July 2023 (and make sure to upvote it!!)

Good reading!

Thank you for this update, Altys!

EPNS time once again! C: We released our 28th edition yesterday with many articles to read, including:

  • Merlovich elected as 28th Delegate of the East!
  • Interview with outgoing Delegate Altys (me hehe)
  • The return of the University of the East with a new Chancellor!

You can read it in full here: NationStates | Dispatch | EPNS Edition 28, October 2023, and don’t forget to upvote!

Congrats to Merlo, and thanks for the update!

G’day TSP. I bring news from the East!

The 31st Edition of the EPNS has been released! This feature covers:

  • TEP’s Delegate Election Results!
  • The new Cabinet and Minister of News!
  • An interview with the Delegate (he seems cool)
  • Roleplay Features and a UTEP essay!

I look forward to serving as TEP’s ambassador to TSP, and hope to deepen the already special relationship between our two regions.


The feeling is mutual!

Thanks for the update, boss, it is always appreciated.

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G’day TSP. The latest edition of the EPNS has been published, and is linked below for your viewing pleasure.

Hope all is well here down South!

Dispatch Version
Forum Version

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Thanks for the update, boss. Great work on N-Day.

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Oh, hi there TEP!

Hello TSP! Hope you’re all doing well down here. Apologies for the quiet in-between the Feb-Apr updates, we’ve been doing a big FA Ministry reshuffle. I made sure to retain my spot here, of course B)

We’re back with the April Edition, which is attached below for your viewing pleasure. We’ve got a lot of stuff in this months edition, it’s packed with updates on domestic affairs, as well as interregional matters. We’ve got a bunch of stuff from our roleplay universes as well. Please enjoy!

Dispatch Version
Forum Version


G’day TSP! I hope you’re all doing great over here. I bring with me the latest edition of the EPNS for your viewing pleasure. This edition features internal updates from myself and several ministries, the Foreign Newsstand by Aivintis, as well as an opinion pieces and features from our RMB RP universe, Valsora.

Please enjoy!