The Adventures of Marco Baldovino

After receiving the bowl of batter from Baldovino, Fuyuko added the mixture of spices and crystals that he had been preparing and quickly stirred until it was evenly distributed before setting it down onto the counter behind him. He then removed the two long, white gloves that he was wearing and clapped his hands together.

”Done! I diced and formed the potatoes while you were doing that, so now we get to batter and fry everything; I’ll demonstrate very quickly.”

Fuyuko briefly gestured with his hand before taking a potato cake into his hand, rolling it around in the batter and then in a tray with some kind of breading, and then placing it onto an empty tray. As he was doing this, none of the coatings or other food ingredients stuck to his hands; in fact, they were as clean after finishing as they were before he started. Fuyuko then gestured towards the large tray full of unbreaded potato cakes, which looked to number at about 30 ~150g servings.

”You’re going to be battering and breading these while I prepare the cooking surface. We’ll be frying all of them in butter, so they’ll be extra delicious!”

Fuyuko then reached under the stovetop of a large brick oven and, with a flash of light from his hand, ignited a bed of matte silver-colored, unidentified fuel briquettes. Afterwards, he retrieved a frying pan and a large jar filled with what appeared to be butter.

”Things pan-fry quickly, so we’ll be done soon after I make the milkshakes; then we can serve everything and eat.”


I… still do not get what you are saying exactly, ma’am Baldovino thought to himself. But judging from what Fuyuko just demonstrated, it appears that she wants Baldovino to batter and put it in the breading.

I genuinely feel like a servant here… he thought to himself once again, slightly groaning as he does -what he assume is- his assigned task.

As Fuyuko left to prepare milkshakes, Baldovino contemplates on whether or not be should grab one of the sharper utensils of the kitchen and keep it just in case of an emergency. However, after a while of contemplating, he decided against it, for fear it would summon the wrath of the other lady. Deciding that playing safe was a much better option in his current state, Baldovino finished his task as Fuyuko finishes her’s.


Fuyuko opened the dairy cabinet in the kitchen and removed several bottles of milk and heavy cream from the alarmingly large and diverse supply of milk, butter, cheese, and other dairy products contained therein before beginning the preparation of the milkshakes. He then quickly emptied them into a large pitcher before adding the orange juice to them, taking care to ensure that it was sufficiently homogenized with the milk. Fuyuko subsequently retrieved a short, thin metal rod from a nearby drawer under the counter after finishing; he proceeded to lightly tap it on the rim of the pitcher and cast a minor spell, which caused it to glow faintly blue with cooling magic that he would use to freeze the milkshakes.

Fuyuko had decades of practice making milkshakes and thus knew every ratio and time by heart, allowing him to spend most of his attention on keeping a close watch on the guest in his kitchen. Baldovino struck Fuyuko as seemingly being highly inexperienced with even the basics of cooking; this was, in his eyes, far from normal and strongly inconsistent with what he expected, and he made a mental note to ask about it later when he can. In the meantime, he carefully watched Baldovino to make sure that he didn’t make the common mistake of accidentally injuring himself on the nearby stovetop.

After the milkshake mix was finished freezing, Fuyuko wrapped a thin, long strip of enchanted fabric around the pitcher in order to keep its contents frozen until serving; he then turned to address Baldovino, who had seemingly also completed the task that Fuyuko had given to him.

”I’m finished with the milkshakes now. I’m sure you’ll love them; everybody always complements me on how rich and sweet my milk is, so I made extra for you to drink too. But now that they are done, there is nothing left to do that would be aided by having two or more people; you can go out to the dining room while I finish everything else.”

Fuyuko then gestured to Baldovino that he was free to go to the dining room and wait for the food to be brought out.

After a short wait in the dining room, Fuyuko carried the heavily laden tray of potato cakes out for serving: they looked pan-fried as he had said, and also had a generous amount of melted cheese and cubed ham over the top of them. Despite this, they were only about 18°C; this was a normal temperature for “hot” food by Belsedori standards, but would be noticeable to humans even through the -20°C that was average Belsedori room temperature.

”Here you go! I put extra cheese and ham on top of them for you. I left the milkshakes in the kitchen because they were too heavy to carry, but I will return with them in just a moment.”

Angela and Baldovino were then briefly left alone in the dining room once more while Fuyuko went to retrieve the drinks. While she reached out to start adding potato cakes to her plate, Angela decided to attempt to begin a conversation with him.

”I remember you previously giving some exceptionally basic information about your homeland, but I would like to know more about it. Where is it, exactly? Do you live too far above the ocean?”


Baldovino looks at Fuyuko for a short moment before returning his focus on Angela.

“You know, it wouldn’t hurt to give her your translation magic as well. I hadn’t the slightest idea what she said back when we’re in the kitchen.” Baldovino commented as he pointed towards Fuyuko.

“Apologies, let’s get back to your question. Rocova, my homeland. It isn’t far above the ocean per se. I hail from Rocova City, which is located on an island just off the coast of the mainland. This access to the ocean gave my people a unique opportunity to explore and sail the seas. Nonetheless, the benefits don’t come without a cost. Many groups and creatures have made sea travel… complicated, so to speak. Which is why we’ve decided to design the first ever airships. While they’re functional, as you’ve seen before, the current model has a few navigational flaws, one we’d be able to fix with a few tweaks here and there.”