Tales of the Terminus war, TCW (OOC discussions and updates)

With the scope of the Terminan Civil War expanding, its time I started to set up a separate thread. Spoilers this war will last a long time and have tie ins to other rp projects like the Bella aeternum thread (that’s temporarily paused due to rl) I will attempt to post a major update once a week, once every other week or once a month depending on RL. but will place short news in the meantime. This will be a slow moving RP, if you want lightning fast results this isn’t the RP for you.

Don’t worry about dogpiling, the warring parties are already balanced and their fortunes are largely dependent on the roll of the dice. However, the dice rolls don’t govern successes or failures of the roleplayers. It’s to give the city-states a bit more freedom and be a bit unpredictable. So I don’t believe there is a need to show a what if path though you might accuse me of railroading, sorry but I can’t have this war devolve into “well my army is stronger than yours” type of situation.

But don’t worry You’ll face many victories as well as many defeats, and you don’t need to worry about your nation being attacked by the warring parties as consent rules still apply. Unless you are okay with being attacked.

One last thing this OOC page is for those of us not on the discord, who are interested in participating in the TCW, but please try to be creative and realistic in wanting to join than just wanting to join for the sake of joining since this is a collaborative story at the end of the day.

Name of group, company or country/nation joining:
Economic, political, or military support?
Faction allegiance/support: (Nationalist Coalition, Southern Terminan Provisional Government, Termina Commerce Guild, or the unnamed)
Reasons for joining:


Warring Parties of the TCW:

Termina Commerce Guild Loyalists
Lead City-state: Higurashi

Clock Town
Rimuru Valley
Xion Town
Rokomo Town

Southern Terminan Provisional Government
Lead City-state: Vexen Village


​​​​​​​Republic of Termina (Nationalists)
Lead City-state: Oceanus

Vermillion City

“Neutral City-States”
Lead City-state: Point Rain

​​​​​​​Other city states
Kaiji Valley
Kokonoe Village

Updates from the first lines.
Kliegmean invasion slowly pushes Nationalist forces East while threatening Vermilion City. (Purple lines)

STPG withdraws from the River Mercani in anticipation of a major offensive.
Yanga defects from the TCC to the STPG.
Yamatai defects from the TCC to the Nationalist coalition.

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While already having participated, I’ll reiterate Kliegme’s participation.

Name of group, company or country/nation joining: The Federal Republic of Kliegme, Kliegmean Armed Forces
Economic, political, or military support?: All of the Above
Faction allegiance/support: Termina Commerce Guild
Reasons for joining: Economic ties with TCG, justified by call for help from the CE by TCG-aligned city state

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Name of group, company or country/nation joining: USI
Economic, political, or military support? All
Faction allegiance/support: Southern Terminan Provisional Government
Reasons for joining: Counter Terra Firma, Long standing relations with STPG states, wants to end chaos of the TCG.

Name of group, company or country/nation joining: Terra Firma
Economic, political, or military support? Military
Faction allegiance/support: Nationalist Coalition
Reasons for joining: Money


Name of group, company or country/nation joining: Gianatla
Economic, political, or military support? Focus on economic and political support. Military support is not outruled, but depends on several factors.
Faction allegiance/support: Termina Commerce Guild, switch to or partial support of STPG possible depending on several factors.
Reasons for joining:
Official IC reasons: Constant mediation in the conflict, answering the call for help by CE-aligned city states, overall wanting to bring back stability to Crabry.
Inofficial IC/OOC reasons: Testing the strength of the CE alliance; potential creation of one or several domestic political crisis’; attempt to gain additional influence in the region to stabilise an export-oriented economy and decrease the Izaakian soft power.

Posting too for good measure.

Name of group, company or country/nation joining: Sedunn
Economic, political, or military support? All
Faction allegiance/support: Termina Commerce Guild
Reasons for joining: Answering the call for aid by the internationally recognised government of the TCC and its CE ally Kliegme in order ultimately help prevent a collapse of the nation and save lives. Politically also to prevent a vassalisation of the TCC by a foreign power and stop a potential regional war before it happens.

Name of group, company or country/nation joining: Transsuneria
Economic, political, or military support? All, though limited compared to most other nations due to an overall lack of resources
Faction allegiance/support: Termina Commerce Guild
Reasons for joining: Prove its worth as a CE ally

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Name of group, company or country/nation joining: Keanu and Hurley
Economic, political, or military support? Political
Faction allegiance/support: Southern Terminan Provisional Government
Reasons for joining: The role of the TCG in the Terra Firma attacks on K&H earlier this year.

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Major Update 3 of the Front lines

  1. Nationalist Counter offensive launched against Kliegmean forces to the West.
  2. Clocktown Liberated
  3. Nationalists launch Southern offensive towards Yin-oh and Yanga
  4. STPG launch counter offensive Northwestward towards Rimuru Valley
  5. Frost Empire pushes into STPG territory from Xion
  6. STPG and Higurashi exchange fire west of the River Mercani

Name of group, company or country/nation joining: Alika Pact (Kalaki, San Marsico, Marica)
Economic, political, or military support?: Possibly economic? I don’t’ really know where humanitarian aid fits in
Faction allegiance/support: None
Reasons for joining: Humanitarian Aid in war-torn areas

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