T.C.P. International - The Communion of Press

T.C.P. International Broadcast: Warning about the state of democracy in Viliakmon.

The Communion of Press, composed of 47 representatives of all media outlets in Viliakmon with national coverage, voted 42 in favour 1 against and 4 absentees on temporarily sanctioning the representative of official state media from T.C.P.

We are now free to use this Broadcast as to warn the international community of the state of democracy in the country. Although the GCDP reforms were passed 21 years ago and the V.A.F. has been successfully reformed 9 years ago, it was only recently that the military began inserting itself into duties which were not under its’ jurisdiction.
It was not under V.A.F. jurisdiction to fight breakers of the Omerta rule in organized crime but that of the police force. We are aware that the police force was the one cooperating with criminals at the time but by the time this information was revealed, the institution was purged from corrupted officials already. Yet, it still remains corrupt, with the latest Minister ordering the murder of an investigator officer. Clearly, the inefficiency of law enforcement was the catalyst for the military to step in and take its’ place as the enforcer of law and principles within the country.
However, we warn you that the military is becoming prone to abusing this power. Officers are taking action, both international and domestic, without any consultation with the civilian or non-governmental bodies.
A worrying case is the fact that the population views the military in a positive light and supports the expansion of their duties - such a population will soon support when the duty becomes to trample on institutional rights as well. We warn you that with the MSS and organized crime weakened, the only two institutions still preventing the military from seizing control are the Office of the Head of State (which has clearly shown that it would not oppose such a take-over) and the Bicameral Parliament.

To summarize, if anything were to happen to the Office of the Head of State or to the legislature, there is no existing body left in Viliakmon to defend its’ democracy; Essentially, the state is on the brink of becoming a Military Dictatorship and the citizens are cheering on.