TCP Broadcast
Preparations and Halved-informations
Date: 11th Dec.
"The Intervention forces, all whom have chosen to support the Merimang Group, are expected to arrive by the 13th-14th December. The Civil War, despite ceasefire no longer being enforced, has seen no combat. However, maneuvers within each factions units have been noticed.
The BFA is moving a bulk of their forces past the town of Spas along the Savunlek range, supposedly preparing to continue the offensive. It remains unknown as to which direction the offense will be arranged in and why.
The Merimang Group has established contact with the Intervention forces. Further aerial reinforcement have been moved from the Merimreza Strait their Battlefleets.
The V.A.F. maneuvers remain unknown.
All commercial airlines, cross-city passenger rail lines and cross-city public transportation companies have temporarily cancelled their operations within the territory of Viliakmon.
All embassies and consulate ‘offices’, duties, have been moved to Gafsred and are operating under joint directive of Maryani, Vehsi and Armantinsky.
In the early morning hours, a short intrusion within telecommunication frequencies has been noticed. Although lasting mere 5 minutes, the intrusion managed to shut down all radial and electronic infrastructure across Viliakmon mainland.
The Viliakmon Embassy in Reizen, remaining the only one still operating independently, has sent a convoy to Ochridae. Lord Rivers Cornellius, a 62 year old well-connected cardiac surgeon, was tasked to lead the convoy whose duty is to supervise the Civil War and International Intervention for the Viliakmon Embassy in Reizen.
Although of Tekar origin, Lord Rivers has been employed in the Viliakmon Embassy since the 16th of November. It’s unknown what his title is related to.
Both the Embassy and Convoy are non-aligned, non-combating participants in the war."
“Although the ceasefire is no longer enforced the Civil War hasn’t seen confrontations, likely due to every faction preparing for the International Intervention. The Intervention forces, all whom support the Merimang Group, are expected to arrive 13th-14th December.
All civilian transportation across Viliakmon have temporarily ceased operating.
All embassies and consulate duties have been moved to Gafsred, operating under joint direction of Maryani, Vehsi and Armantinsky. The exception being the Viliakmon Embassy in Reizen, who declared itself a non-aligned non-combatant participant in the war.
Earlier this morning, a 5-minute intrusion had shut down all radial and electronic communications in mainland Viliakmon.”