Mr. Chair, Honorable Prime Minister and your Cabinet, Chief Justice Kris Kringle, and Associate Justices, and to the most honorable Legislators of the Assembly;
Thank you so much for being in attendance here today.
The State of the Coalition is excellent. Through the incredible efforts of the Assembly, the Regional Message Board, the Cabinet, and more, we have continued to remain an outstanding region, government, and community throughout NationStates. We cannot thank everyone who has participated in our many facets enough, but we hope that a small token of our appreciation is communicated well enough through this address.
The Cabinet is hard at work, firing on all cylinders. Our bilateral discussions with our allies and other major defender regions have been productive and amicable. Our outreach to non-GP and smaller GP regions continues, culminating in the construction of an embassy with the Empire of Great Britain this month and signaling the start of what we hope to be a long and fruitful partnership. The joint cultural event with the Union of Democratic States resulted in our victory and the flying of the TSP Supreme flag over Federal City, and we also successfully completed a joint military operation.
Minister Kotoha Tanaka has introduced a frankly dangerous amount of glass into the Special Forces, as well as some incredible reporting on the military’s activities. Minister Legend is placing the finishing touches on several major agenda items and will put out an announcement shortly. Minister Maverick has been swamped with RL work but has more time in the remainder of the term to work on key agenda items, namely a joint interregional Roleplay event and better integration points. Minister Pronoun has continued their work on dispatches and telegrams and is always seeking additional input. Of special note is the Pathways to Engagement topic, which is the cornerstone of our current integration efforts.
The Assembly has been a place of vigorous debate as well, seeing a number of both private and public discussions ongoing and starting. Notably, we have seen a long-debated bill go to vote and be defeated. The bill regards voter registration and a massive overhaul of the electorate and composition of the legislature. An active legislature is a hallmark of a strong political culture, and we hope to see more engaged discussions on some of the most important topics to the Coalition. The High Court has been deliberating on the applications it has received for potential new Legislators to join their ranks. The Council on Regional Security has introduced a new member into the Coral Guard and has continued discussions on the official line of succession.
Our Coalition is on a good path. We thank everybody involved for their continued efforts to ensure the longevity of NationStates’ Oldest Democracy, and cannot wait to see what we can accomplish next.
Thank you all! Long live the Coalition of the South Pacific!