State of the Coalition - March 2024

Mr. Chair, Honorable Prime Minister and Members of the Cabinet, Chief Justice Kris Kringle, and the Associate Justices, and to the most honorable Legislators of the Assembly;

The South Pacific is a pristine region and has been for the last 20 years. Throughout this time, TSP has inevitably seen change. Whether it has been a coup, a Great Council, or an ideological realignment, TSP has been fluid, constantly adapting to the surrounding circumstances for the greater good of the region. In order to remain the great region that we are today, we must adapt to the constantly changing circumstances around us and adjust accordingly.

This term has been one such example of change. With the recent introduction of appointed ministers and an unprecedentedly fiery raiding scene fueled by the addition of Frontiers, this term has seen plenty of new challenges. We must respond strongly to events both within our region and overseas to maintain our reputation as a powerful democracy and center of culture.

The State of the Coalition at midterm remains robust and sound. Our Minister of On-Site Events is bringing back the popular on-site festival SwanVision and being our bridge between the on-site and off-site, the Minister of Culture is bringing us new and unique events, and our roleplaying scene stays strong.

We are currently building embassies with The Region That Has No Big Banks and Alcris, and planning a joint festival with Democratic Socialist Assembly that will be announced soon. The South Pacific Special Forces are warding off raiders on the battlefield, effectively defending against raider invasions. As a member of JEFF, we survived the nuclear apocalypse and climbed to third-place after sustaining massive nuclear attacks.

Of course, we couldn’t have done all of this without you South Pacificans, with your presence and activity in this region making us one of the best regions in NationStates to be in.

Thank You.