State of the Assembly — September 2023



The Resolution on Citizenship Transition resolved that all current legislators will become both legislators and citizens following the passage of A2309.01. The Legislator Committee Act had stated that LegComm will remove legislator statuses if they failed the voting requirement in the past month (which A2309.01 did not pass in). As such, I’m taking it as one more legislator check should take place under the old law for September, and afterwards the transition will occur to the remaining legislators. If anyone wants to bring this before the Court, be my guest—this is just my interpretation afterall.

Further, following the passage of A2309.01, the voting requirements have changed; you may view the table below for a comparison.

Old Law New Law
Legislator status is removed if they are absent for more than half of votes in the month, provided at least 2 votes occurred. Legislator status is removed if they are absent for more than a third of votes in the month, provided at least 3 votes occurred. If only 2 votes finished, they must vote in at least one to maintain legislatorship.



Code Title Status
[2339․AB] Amended Voter Registration Bill Passed
[2340․AP] [private topic] Ongoing
[2341․CB] [private topic] Ongoing
[2342․AB] Change in the Elections Act Ongoing
[2343․CN] Appointment of Pronoun to the Legislator Committee Confirmed
[2344․CN] Nomination of anjo to the Council on Regional Security Confirmed



According to the Legislator Committee Act, legislators must’ve voted in at least half of all votes in each month and maintain a nation in the South Pacific to maintain their position. If your legislator status has been revoked, you can always re-apply.

Since 2 votes finished this month, legislators needed to have voted in at least 1 of them to keep their status.


The list of legislators whom the Chair recommends the Legislator Committee to revoke the legislator statuses of is in the table below:

Forum Username Nation in TSP Reason
@Greater_Lamero Greater Lamero Failed voting requirement
@Greeny1 A Place Somewhere Nation CTE’d
@EagerHazahmkong Duck Flock Failed voting requirement
@kjr51 Ecclesia Victoris Failed voting requirement
@minibuilder New-Javarra Failed voting requirement
@Quebecshire New Quebecshire Failed voting requirement

The following legislators were warned:

Forum Username Nation in TSP Reason Warning
@Klysevia Klysevia Nation CTE’d Met voting requirement — warned
@Quietdad Quietdad of TSP Failed voting requirement Usually compliant — warned
@tsunamy Tsunamy Failed voting requirement Usually compliant — warned

TSP Legislative Activity — September 2023.pdf (66.5 KB)

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To clarify, the understanding of the Citizenship Committee is that the Legislator Committee ceased to exist as a legal entity following the passage of A2309.01, and that the Citizenship Committee does not hold the authority under any law currently in force to remove legislator status from any legislator.

Because legislator status has yet to be removed from those identified in the State of the Assembly, even though they did not meet the requirements to maintain their status, those legislators are grandfathered in as citizens automatically and will not lose that status even if the Chair removes them as legislators today?

That is the understanding of the Citizenship Committee. The Resolution on Citizenship Transition stated that “[u]pon passage of the various accompanying amendments, all current legislators will automatically be granted citizenship,” and those individuals were legislators when the various accompanying amendments were passed.

Chair of the Assembly

I've revoked status from all legislators who had been tabled for removal.