Standard Resolution on the Ryccian Junta's Invasion of Doge Land

Esteemed delegates,
the proposed resolution is an insult to the people who are suffering under the Ryccian Junta and the war initiated by it.

This is not a war provokes by Doge Land, it is caused by the Ryccian Junta.

I will use my time to teach you something, esteemed ambassador: all of the attacked countries, yes you heard me right, countries(!), have a right to defend themselves. International law, whether you like it or not, allows for self-defence and mutual self-defence. It is wrong to say that this war, this suffering is the fault of the LoC.

We have to admit, yes the World Forum has indeed made mistakes, acted to slow, or not at all. But our goal has to be to correct these mistakes. To act in time, to act alone, to act right.

This proposal, quite frankly, is not worthy of being proposed to vote and we appeal to the ambassador of the CBR to get some common sense and revoke the resolution.

Thank you.

Dr. Lina Frere,
Ambassador of the Republic of Eflad to the World Forum