Standard Resolution on the Apprehension of RIM

(OOC Note: Original thread)

Esteemed colleagues,

It has been a while now and as the situation in Hazelia has further proven, this resolution needs to pass as soon as possible to prevent any further calamities by the Reizen Independence Movement. These terrorists have been allowed too much leniency in their operations and we must do everything in our power to apprehend these criminals to ensure a peaceful existence.

Tudor Segărceanu
Speaker of the Assembly & Ambassador of the Kingdom of Stoinia

World Forum

RES # (2022)

Emblem of the World Forum

Assembly of the World Forum

Distr.: General
DD Month 2022

Resolution # adopted by the Assembly on DD Month 2022

Resolution on the Apprehension of RIM

Section A — Standard Measure(s) Adopted

  1. The calling of the International Court according to WFR 1d Sec. F Subsec. 2 Ltr. h

  2. A condemnation according to WFR 1d Sec. F Subsec. 2 Ltr. g

  3. An additional World Arrest Warrant on any member of the Reizen Independent Movement according to WFR 8 Sec. E Subsec. 1.

Section B — Explanation of Necessity and Proportionality

  1. Due to the nature of RIM as a terrorist organization and furthermore due to the brutal actions taken not only against their own compatriots, but also against those of member states of the World Forum, and additionally due to their extreme methods in the Reizen Civil War & interference in internal politics of other nation states while remaining invisible to intelligence agencies. As such, sanctions according to WFR 1d Sec. F Subsec. 2 Ltr. a-f cannot be considered effective. Therefore they are skipped in accordance with WFR 1d Sec. F Subsec. 1 S. 3.

  2. The condemnation will help the international community, especially the World Forum, to reach the goal of recognizing RIM as a terrorist organization and their eventual apprehension. Through the condemnation, nations all around the world are alarmed to cut any open or hidden ties to RIM which is a threat to international security and their usage of weapons of mass destruction to the detriment of Pacifica and the Bareland continent specifically. This condemnation will not hinder any nations in their actions, but it sends a signal to the international community with what they are dealing with.

  3. The calling of the International Court shall help in opening a case against any war criminal from RIM. The WFIC is also able to suggest or impose necessary sanctions, this Assembly cannot pass.

  4. The World Forum Assembly also encourages all members of the World Forum Assembly or IACO to issue a World Arrest Warrant on members of RIM to IACO according to WFR 8 Sec. E Subsec. 1 to extradite these individuals so that they may be prosecuted by the International Court.

Section C — Implementation

  1. The World Forum hereby condemns the Reizen Independence Movement for their terrorist actions during the Seven Pillars Tragedy, interference of internal politics in Emerald-Denver with the goal of further destabilization of nation states and disregard to human dignity & life across the South Pacific.

  2. The World Forum Assembly hereby forwards the preparation to file a case at the WFIC against the criminals and leaders of the Reizen Independence Movement to the INL. The current Officer and his/her successor together with the judges at the Court shall bring justice to every innocent person tortured and murdered by the Reizen Independence Movement.

  3. The World Forum Assembly hereby issues a World Arrest Warrant for any member of the Reizen Independence Movement to IACO for their crimes against humanity.

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The Termina Commerce Confederacy once again reiterates its opposition to this bill. This time for overreaching and eroding the sovereignty of individual states in the pursuit of criminal justice. This condemnation claims that it will not hinder any nations in their actions, but it sends a signal to the international community with what they are dealing with. However, we all know with the Ryccian-Cordilian war that states will hop on a bandwagon and belittle states with a differing opinion. As such we have reason to believe that those who inadvertantly or willingly work with the RIM will be pressured by members directly or indirectly. The TCC also believes that this resolution serves to jeopardize individual actions to apprehend the Reizen independence movement.

If a state were hoping to play the long con and lure the RIM into a false sense of security, they would be blacklisted by the international community and have a target on their backs. Therefore rendering that option off the table. Furthermore, if you understand the saying a cornered rat will bite, then we should not be looking at ways to squeeze the RIM to retaliate in an unpredictable manner.

We motion to vote

Pazar Marchesa, Constanza Helena Zanchi
Ambassador to the World Forum of the Market Republic of Pazar Am Fluss

The TCC rejects this motion to vote

We motion to vote, the discussion and amendment by the Ambassaor Segărceanu is sufficient for the passage and to alleviate any worries previous ambassadors have raised.

Pazar Marchesa, Constanza Helena Zanchi
Ambassador to the World Forum of the Market Republic of Pazar Am Fluss

Sedunn seconds the motion.

The CBR objects to this motion to vote.

This motion and second to vote are premature. The concerns raised by the TCC have clearly been left unanswered. Even if fellow member states may disagree with Terminan viewpoints, they ought to provide at least a counter-argument. And if they are unable to do so, then perhaps the merits of this draft resolution are not as strong as one might suggest.

Li Huang
Representative of the Central Bailtemmic Republic


We choose to ignore the CBR and continue the motion to vote

Pazar Marchesa, Constanza Helena Zanchi
Ambassador to the World Forum of the Market Republic of Pazar Am Fluss

The conduct by the Pazar Am Fluss delegation is exactly the kind of conduct TCC has feared will happen when this resolution passes. If they are already this hostile to differing opinions, then they will use this resolution to further marginalize other states by accusing them of sympathizing with the RIM. Therefore the only motion the TCC will reccommends or accepts is a motion to strike/drop this resolution.

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So, are we all just gonna forget about 7 Pillars then ? Or when they supported the Denverian Frankists, or when they were in Past? Are we just gonna blow all those accusations off? I’m sorry, but the TCC and the CBR are in the wrong here. We need to destroy these terrorists or apprehend them. I fully this motion to vote. And mind you, TCC delegate, that the Ambassador of the Pazar Am Fluss said to ignore only the CBR, and NOT the TCC.

Howard Brown
UKED Ambassador To The WF


Esteemed colleagues,

I understand the frustrations, but let us not fall into petty squabbles again. We hear the motion to vote, but ask any parties to voice their concerns. It also seems there is a misunderstanding in relation to the previous draft of this resolution where we suggested a form of international cooperation on gathering intelligence. Instead this resolution takes the necessary steps to file a case to the International Court as well as taking a firm stance against the Reizen Independence Movement by the World Forum as an organization. I humbly ask the honourable delegations to focus their criticism on the currently presented draft right now before we proceed with a vote.

Tudor Segărceanu
Speaker of the Assembly & Ambassador of the Kingdom of Stoinia

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No one has forgotten the 7 pillars or the Denverian Frankists, and we agree that the RIM ought to be apprehended, but we disagree that this is the correct avenue to apprehend them. This is an overreach by the World Forum on our sovereignty. Our SOVEREIGNTY! Perhaps that is a concept forgotten to the UKED ambassador if they belonged to any of the client states within UKED, but Termina hasn’t forgotten. No, the Confederacy remembers, and the conduct by Delegation from Pazar Am Fluss against the delegation of the CBR only reinforces our concerns that this resolution will be abused by those hostile to countries with a different view point like the CBR.

We choose to motion to vote because any discussion pertaining this motion have been laid out in such detail. We are in full agreement that such a motion should not impede the justice system of a state, and thus we welcome this version unlike the first draft.

We find there is nothing in this resolution that would impede the democracy or the judicial jurisdiction of member states. Thus we choose to motion to vote.

Pazar Am Fluss finds that the worries of TCC are unfounded and it’s accusations rude.

Pazar Marchesa, Constanza Helena Zanchi
Ambassador to the World Forum of the Market Republic of Pazar Am Fluss

I remind delegation of the Terminan delegation this resolution merely sends a message to condone the Reizen Independence Movement. Simply issuing warrants to the International Court is a right of any member as Stoinia already issued a warrant against the Ryccian Junta’s leaders. We also believe that calling of the International Court is in order as shown by instances in Denver, Spiras and now recently Hazelia. How long until enough is enough? Clearly the RIM is acting already like a rat in a corner and it will not stop retaliating until its pest has been squandered.

As for your nation’s sovereignty, we cannot fathom how a calling of the International Court is an attack on your sovereignty. You joined this institution willingly and as a result accepted its consequences. Yet now you choose to only select the consequences in your favour. Where was this exact argument of yours when the Assembly called for a vote against Izaakia for its intervention in Nicholas & Great Britain? We all have to accept the order of law within this institution.

Furthermore, nations have proven to be uncooperative to jointly apprehend the RIM threat on an international level. Therefore, we believe that we must push the matter through the International Court to put an end to the RIM threat as a coalition to apprehend them has as of yet proven to be unfruitful.

Tudor Segărceanu
Speaker of the Assembly & Ambassador of the Kingdom of Stoinia


With respect to the Izaakian delegation and their regrettable International court case, the TCC abstained from voting to send them to court because of their role as a judge in that case and could not respond against the International Court’s blatant attack on Izaakia’s sovereignty. However, The United States of Izaakia is also a sovereign nation who can defend herself in the court of law from such baseless accusations, whereas the Reizen Independent Movement is not. Are we suggesting that the RIM should be elevated to the same level as the USI, a Sovereign Country? No, not only does the TCC consider it insulting to lower a country to the level of illegitimate terrorists, but that the Frost Empire should ultimately be the one’s to try them in their court of law as they are still Frost Citizens, despite their treasonous acts.

Any person, organization or nation may be brought to the International Court. The law doesn’t equate RIM with Izaakia, but merely allows the same proceedings to happen to them. I can therefore only conclude that you have nothing more of substance to add to this discussion.

Tudor Segărceanu
Speaker of the Assembly & Ambassador of the Kingdom of Stoinia

We say the charade by the Termina Commerce Confederacy has gone on long enough and second the motion to vote!

Ambassador Rinna Shadir
Ambassador of the Republic of Myria

We hear the motions to vote by the Myrian delegation concerning the Standard Resolution on the Apprehension of RIM. Voting may start by voting Aye, Nay or Abstain.

Tudor Segărceanu
Speaker of the Assembly & Ambassador of the Kingdom of Stoinia

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