Each time you post you add 1 to your name. If it’s your first time then you add your name and put a 1 next to it. It’s ordered from most points at the top to least points at the bottom.
Nicholas: 1
Each time you post you add 1 to your name. If it’s your first time then you add your name and put a 1 next to it. It’s ordered from most points at the top to least points at the bottom.
Nicholas: 1
Nicholas: 1
Maluhia: 1
Nicholas: 1
Maluhia: 1
Gianni: 1
Nicholas: 2
Maluhia: 1
Gianni: 1
[Nicholas: 2
Maluhia: 2
Gianni: 1
Nicholas: 2
Maluhia: 2
Gianni: 1
HumanSanity: 1
Nicholas: 3
Maluhia: 2
Gianni: 1
HumanSanity: 1
Nicholas: 3
Maluhia: 3
Gianni: 1
HumanSanity: 1
Nicholas: 4
Maluhia: 3
Gianni: 1
HumanSanity: 1
Nicholas: 4
Maluhia: 3
Gianni: 1
HumanSanity: 1
Comfed: 1
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 3
Gianni: 1
HumanSanity: 1
Comfed: 1
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 3
Comfed: 2
Gianni: 1
HumanSanity: 1
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 3
Comfed: 2
HumanSanity: 2
Gianni: 1
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 3
Comfed: 2
HumanSanity: 2
Gianni: 2
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 3
Comfed: 3
HumanSanity: 2
Gianni: 2
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 3
Comfed: 3
Gianni: 3
HumanSanity: 2
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 4
Comfed: 3
Gianni: 3
HumanSanity: 2
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 4
Gianni: 4
Comfed: 3
HumanSanity: 2
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 5
Gianni: 4
Comfed: 3
HumanSanity: 2
Nicholas: 5
Maluhia: 5
Gianni: 5
Comfed: 3
HumanSanity: 2