Sorven-Arzdanx trading

For Sorven and Arzdanx player only

Arthx the immortal, the leader of the confederation and the last mega tooth needed a market to drop off his stolen goods and he knew that fellow raiders in Sorven would always be willing to buy. He commanded the great fleet of the sharkmen to shore and they assembled a quick market. As usual the munchkins (cookie cutter sharkmen) who where only 2 feet tall did most the store ownership as they where good hagglers. The stores where stocked and open for any to buy

It was easy to see the Sorvens in the harsh white snow. Already the sharkmen were feeling the bitter cold air. These Sorvens were not raiders but rather merchants. The warriors were preparing fir their next attack.
The merchants began to inspect the sharkmen’s goods.

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They sold various goods from various lands. The munchkins where good hagglers and took any chance to haggle down the prices. The rarest goods where in a red tent that only those who could afford the fee could enter

The Sorven traders dispersed to by from and haggle with the sharkmen. The wealthiest among them, lead by the nerchant matriarch, begrudgingly payed the toll and entered the red tent.

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Inside the tent was Arthx the immortal himself, his 20 foot tall body was covered in a purple cape and on his head was a grim site, the crown of the hunter of kings which was made of bones of several different intelligent species, the crown itself massive and around 2 feet tall. He held a massive large blade which dark gray color was the same color as Arthx’s body. Beyond the immortal himself the tent was full of expensive and rare stolen item. “Hello merchants” he said with a deep bellowing voice as his black eye appeared to stare through their souls

The Merchants paid their respects to Arthx and admired the items. Many of them were similar to objects stolen during Sorven raids. The merchants were given many of these “souvenirs” to sell, at a 10% tax.
The Merchant Queen held many an object in her hands, feeling their weight, examining their very being. She was surprised by how many of them were authentic. That was a rare thing these days.

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Arthx watched them carefully as they look around “We don’t have any fakes or at least we don’t have on purposely taken fakes as that would go against our code of honor to her” he said, her of course referencing the shark goddess as it is illegal for them to mention her name to non sharkmen. He stood up and with slow deliberate movements went toward the back of the tent “who wants to see today’s most priced item?” He asked.

The most prestigious and rich of the merchants curiously walk over to the back. The Merchant Queen does not. Although she is honored as their leader, she rarely buys anything these days. Rumors have spread about her joining the raid. Some say she’s looking for honor, others that she’s planning to die honorably.

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He pulled open a curtain and inside was an Ancient Khamean staff “We got this magic staff from a daring raid on the land of the dead, cost a lot of men but these things are some of the most expensive stuff out there” after saying so he called in a fierce one (great white) to watch them before returning to his seat. He stared at the Merchant Queen “how unusual I thought merchant whatever’s bought a lot of expensive stuff” he said to her

“I didn’t think it was common practice for sellers to insult their customers,” the Merchant Queen counters. she begins to slowly pace, admiring the gold and jewels. “All the lavish objects in the world would be worthless to me anyhow. I am becoming old. I’d rather die with my brothers in the battlefield than face the disgrace of a peaceful passing.”

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He let out a deep laugh “Excuse me for I lack the diplomacy I had at a younger age but for one I do unstand the need to die fighting for it is all the sharkmen of my confederation care about, from the lowliest outcast to leaders of clans they all want to die fighting” he leaned forward a bit “but to be honest to die fighting means to die with your body deformed and damaged by the enemy” he said “of course I may never know the true urge of those who die for I’ve became immortal so that I may always be in service of her and also I am strong and not likely to die in fight” he said letting out another bellowing laugh.

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“To become mangled is to become humbled before our lord Draugi. He chooses a time for everyone and loves everyone equally. The least we can do is strip ourselves of our pride before we stand before him”

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He assumed a face of predictably “All religions are always like this in some way, even mine” he took a quick looked to see if everything was ok and then turned back toward the merchant matriarch “So who succeeds you?” He asked as a genuine question

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“As of now, young Fellis,” she gestures towards one of the merchants gather around the staff, “is set to take the throne. Our ancestor’s wisdom dictated that if man was to rule war, women was to rule profit. I have been training her in our ways ever since the was a small girl. She will make our kingdom proud.”
There is almost a motherly softness in her voice as she talks about the girl. In fact, she has been the girls parent figure ever since Fellis’ parents died.

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He looked at the two “I haven’t seen a women of the same species of me since I’ve taken on this form, never once has a summoning birthed a female sharkkin and never once do I think it ever will” he said and then cleared his throat “your society is old and yet even I do not remember how all of your rules came to be I just hope you pick them right because coming here always brings profits”

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“They haven’t failed us yet, and I doubt you will ever see a time when they do,” the Merchant Queen assured him.
In the back, the merchants began a bidding war over the staff. The price was quickly rising.

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”I hope not” he said before turning around and back in almost an instant “All I need to do is sell that thing and we will be ready to leave” he said whilst listening intently to the bidding

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Fellis was rapidly raising the price against an elderly merchant. He matched her teachings with his experience, and countered all her prices. It was common for ‘gold dumps’ such as these to occur between merchants. Up and up the price climbed, until he declined to raise it further. Panic filled Fellis’ eyes as she realized what had happened. The elderly merchant began to walk away, and he put a hand on her shoulder as he passed her.
“Yes, she has much to learn,” the Merchant Queen admitted, “but that will come with time and experience. I can offer her nothing I haven’t already given. Who knows, maybe one day she will be a wizened elder talking to you just as I have.”

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He let out another deep laugh “And you know I’ll always be here” after saying that he reach into the back of his mouth and pulled out a tooth from one of his rows of teeth and handed it to the merchant queen “Have it for free, Fellis might be able to sell it for some good cash” he then exited the tent and ordered everyone to begin packing up

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