September 2024 Service Report

Hello everyone and welcome to the monthly SPSF report, where I, the Minister of Defense, will summarize all the main happenings for our military force in this month, present you some totally not boring statistics and finally assign the monthly card giveaways prizes!

This is also going to be my 2nd (and probably last for this term) service report I’m going to write.

This first section is going to be dedicated to the Tsunami Force. Let’s jump first of all into the stats!

Monthly Statisics

Statistic This Month Trend Monthly Change Percentage Change
Updaters 20 +3 +18%
Updates 53 -2 -3.64%
Defenses 88 -36 -29.03%
Detags 210 -452 -68.28%

I’ll also add a liberation statistic tab, for those interested

Update Region Liberated/Sieged SPSF liberators
Major 2024-09-03 The Monarchy Alliance 6 (2nd org)
Major 2024-09-06 (Siege) Kelios 11 (2nd org)
Minor 2024-09-06 (Siege) Kelios 12 (1st org)
Major 2024-09-07 (Siege) Kelios 9 (1st org)
Minor 2024-09-07 (Siege) Kelios 10 (1st org)
Minor 2024-09-08 Historopolis 7 (1st org)
Major 2024-09-18 Lewisham Library 4 (2nd org)
Minor 2024-09-25 Brasil pt br 3 (2nd org)
Minor 2024-09-27 Pacificana 5 (2nd org)
Minor 2024-09-30 Old Zealand 6 (2nd org)

Notable Operations

Welp… we can confidently say that this month hasn’t been one of the most active. The only statistic that grew was the updaters one, in contrast to every other one falling down (particularly Defenses and even more Detags).
We can explain the rise in Updaters by the Kelios occupation that occurred during the first days of September and lasted throughout most of the month.

Around the 5th of September raiders from many different organizations led by Sparkalia united forces and decided to occupy Kelios to open checks notes an “Omori” fanclub (whatever that is). For some days defenderdom tried to liberate this region from the invasors, but after 2 days commanders deemed impossible to further disrupt raider operations in the region and opted to submit a libinjunct for the region.
After weeks of quietness on the fronts, during the Minor Update of the 26th of September, raiders tried to clear out Kelios and refound it, hoping to take complete control over it and make it completely impossible to be liberated. Our brave defenders (including our SPSFers) managed to stop the refounding process in a very tight battle and liberated Kelios from raider forces.
(NOTE: it isn’t signed on the liberations statistics because refound operations are managed in closed, separate channel from the main one)

So, closing this excursus, we were talking about the stats and why they’re so low respect to August. for the Updates, aside from the fact that September has 1 day less than August, during the second-half of September a particular event occurred: World Assembly applications broke. WA apps are fundamental for the R/D gameplay, as our puppet nations need to be in the WA during updates to be able to operate. This of course caused a decrease in update participation.

Now onto Defenses and Detags… I could explain the Defense decrease mainly by stating the fact that this month once again hasn’t been very active in terms of chasing (probably because of Kelios), and furthermore I’ve seen this month some pretty high numbers of participation in these updates from the raider part, which could have very well caused the decrease of defenses. Regarding the Detags, probably I could say that, being June and July very busy chasing months, during August there has been a lot of time to clear all the remaining tagged regions from those two months. This month instead detags were largely based on this month’s tags.

Considering these factors, we can say that the decrease of this month’s activity isn’t actually a bad factor, because it means that raider activity has also decreased during these months. Everything balances out in the end.

New SPSF Members

This September the SPSF has seen 2 new recruits in its ranks: please give a warm welcome to @puppypropaganda and @UnitedDisneyStates!

Service Awards

Updates Attended

Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most updates150x45150x45 Oseao
1 second-most updates150x45150x45 möth
3 third-most updates150x45150x45 The Lombard League


Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most detags150x45150x45 Oseao
2 second-most detags150x45150x45 möth
3 third-most detags150x45150x45 Parenthos


Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most defenses150x45150x45 Oseao
2 second-most defenses150x45150x45 möth
3 second-most defenses150x45150x45 The Lombard League

Congrats to @Oseao, @Vernonia, @Parenthos and me for winning their monthly service award. Particularly congrats to Oseao and Vernonia (möth) for finishing respectively first and second in all the cathegories! Here are the numbers in detail:

Updates Attended: Oseao 48; möth 32; The Lombard League 13
Detags: Oseao 203; möth 118; Parenthos 31
Defenses: Oseao 73; möth 38; The Lombard League 38.

Now it’s time for the…

Tidal Force Recap

This month has been quieter for the Tidal Force. For almost all September in fact we’ve had a support for a frontier (A Taco Paradise) of one of our treaty allies (10000 Islands), as this month there have been the 2 “Condemn The Black Hawks” repeals, and we decided to prevent a possible retailation raid from said region to ATP (which is a pretty vulnerable region on itself). On the end of the month we’ve moved to Kelios after its liberation to allow the owners of the region to get back in power without any problem.

Now it’s time for the…

Card Giveaways

And it’s time for the card giveaways everyone! Unfortunately for the Tidal Force, this month tere won’t be any giveaway since we’ve participated in only two missions, and I can’t gift a legendary card to everyone who participated :stuck_out_tongue:
So, for the most updates attended cathegory (Legendary card for the first two, epic card for the third), we have already seen the winners:

@Oseao, who will win a S3 Pallaith
@Vernonia, who will win a S3 ATLANTIARIV
@Coltranius, who will keep one of is epic cards

For the most Major updates attended (Legendary Card for first placed, Epic for second and third), we have…

@Oseao (with 25 major updates attended), who will get a S3 Milostein
@Vernonia (with 16 major updates attended), who will get a S3 Headingtonia
@Banexet (with 10 major updates attended), who will get a S3 Flanhezria

For the most Minor updates attended (Legendary Card for first placed, Epic for second and third), we have…

@Oseao (with 23 minor updates attended), who will get a S2 Topid
@Vernonia (with 16 minor updates attended), who will get a S3 Goddess Relief Office
@Coltranius (with 13 minor updates attended), who will again keep one of his epic cards

Please congratulate the winners of the monthly card giveaway. Soon the cards will be sent to the consignee. If you also want to win a Legendary Card, then participate in as many updates/missions as you can, and you will be rewarded next month.


Well, that’s it for this month’s service report. Thanks everyone for sticking out with me through this read and I hope you enjoyed it. This month has been overall less active respect to the previous months, but, as I’ve already explained, it’s actually not a bad thing.

If you aren’t a member but you are interested in becoming one, then you can always apply here : you just need to check the “I want to join the SPSF” box and file in all the information we request.

This is it, thanks for reading and I hope you have a nice day! See ya!