Sector nation overview

English alt: Collected Defence Congegation

Rehy is located in the South East corner of A1-0 (map wise). Rikeuninerd are currently the only race in Rehy, they are hemaphrodits, their home planet being Ruka. Originally a military alliance made up of several nations, borders now are mostly irrelevant, forming easily governable states. Military power remains a priority to Rehy, having 1.5 trillion personelle and 448’002 ships.

Rehy holds many different Rikeuninerda cultures. Across all Rikeuninerda cultures, there is a lack of materialism, environmental protection is viewed as vital, knowledge is seen as a great power, and military tradition is heavily honoured. Many cultures live underground, a practice that can be seen on inhabited planets, and due to dietary requirements fishing culture is large.

Some notable cultures:

  • Dysysya are heavily nomadic and upon entering space continued to be so.
  • Dysysya and Scaa are both pacifist, there religion opposing military action.
  • Kusua culture is a complicated mix of different Scayikraa cultures, taking religion from Dysysy nomads but having military traditions like Screea. Kusua also do not consume fish, but read meat.
  • Scu do not live underground, they have a strong worriers attitude and wear white head gear to oppose theocracies.

Religion is not mandated in Rehy and no national religion is recognised, however Kusu is a democratically elected theocracy, and puts Scayiaa as a national religion. Scayiaa is practiced by 21% of Rehy’s population, mostly by individuals from Scayikra and Kusu.

Scayiaa is an ancient religion, originating from Scayikra at 50’000 BBT. The religion has many sects, but across all it’s said that habitable deserts are sacred “scar lands” and for as long as someone believes in Scayiaa the Gods will exist.


9’556-9’543 BBT: Yeea conflict
9’543 BBT: Screea forms Rehy
8’989 BBT: Reik did a dumb, Rak Reik diplomatic ties severed
8’434 BBT: Rak Reik sends up a space station to orbit Ruka
7’202-7’153 BBT: Cold War
7’165 BBT: interdimentional FTL is invented
7’153 BBT: Third Ssca War, mass amount of nations join Rehy
7’149 BBT: Ra da Kur joins Rehy
7’148 BBT: Ra da Kur collapses
7’036 BBT: Koo forms the union Kooa ra da Rakara under Rehy
6’998 BBT: Reik content unites as Kuk-kik, Kuk-kik joins Rehy
3’944 BBT: antimatter propulsion is invented
1’932 BBT: Kusu joins Rehy, Kusu becomes responsible for scrapping military assets
0 BBT: first contacts with Akropii Republic and Galactya

Rehys economy is dominated by workers unions, regulations are created by unions and mandated by the government. All workers have close relations where bartering is used to exchange goods, and they are ‘paid’ in housing and food. Each union is made of smaller unions, their structure being similar to a military unit organisation.

Rehy’s unions consist majorly of fishing, arms, and mining industries. Scrapping plays a large part in Rehys economy as recycling is a prevalent practice. Art of any form is most commonly used to barter.

Rehy imports weapons from Galactya and exports art. Due to the tight networking of Rehys unions creating trade deals in other areas has been difficult.

Rehy’s military is unique as individual agencies and branches are controlled by different defence organisations. Structuring Rehy like this allows each defence organisation to focus on a specific role. The following work together to form Rehy’s military:

Screea’s Defence Organisation is responsible for the Defence Defence, Rehy’s armed force, and Screea Intelligence Agency.
Kusu’s Defence Organisation is responsible for Kusu Defence Specialised Scrapping, who scrap military assets. They are non combat.
Kuk-kik’s Defence Organisation is responsible for Civilian Defence, an agency that deals with civilians in dangerous situations. The Civilian Defence also deploys diplomats and provides humanitarian aid.

The Defence Defence relies off there superior adaptability for a tactical advantage, ships are also heavily armed with a variety of weapons. Rehy’s territory is scattered with military bases of varying size, said bases (also ships) have automated scanners that of scan anything unfamiliar within 110km of them.

Rehy is currently not involved in any conflicts, but was involved in The Third Ssca war and was formed because of the Yeea conflict.