Seaside Pride 2023: Closing Speech

Europeians and South Pacificans,

We are overjoyed at the success of Seaside Pride. From spam games and movie nights to history pieces and art shows, this festival has produced loads of fun. We hope all of you enjoyed it just as much, if not more, as we did! We, of course, have to thank @HumanSanity, @Istillian, @Spagtop, and all of the other wonderful people who made this happen! This party truly was a team effort, and we are proud of the final product.

Now, for the announcement you have all been waiting for, it is time to reveal the winners of the Seaside Pride spam games! From Europeia (drumroll please)ā€¦ the winner @Maowi! From The South Pacific (drumroll please)ā€¦ the winner is @North! Congratulations!

Celebrating pride is extremely important, especially at this time when the rights of so many are under attack throughout the real life world. We should be proud that we have created safe, inclusive, welcoming, and accepting online communities. This work has to extend beyond the month of June as well, and this festival is simply the capstone of these efforts. It is incumbent on all of us, as members of our communities, to keep this momentum moving forward and to nurture it into the next generation of community members too.

The collaboration between Europeia and The South Pacific was a special highlight to this festival, and both of us are proud to have been a part of it. Our teams thoroughly discussed and hashed out many ideas and events. Time and time again, we updated the schedule to include new ideas that emerged from everyone involved. Working with each other and using our different approaches to cultural events was incredibly fruitful and fulfilling, and we both look forward immensely to the next festival between our two regions.

Until then,

Pland Adanna
President of Europeia

ProfessorHenn / Sporaltryus
Prime Minister of the South Pacific


My gratitude to the Prime Minister for their fantastic support in executing this festival and to the Republic of Europeia, as well as President Pland Adanna, Advisor Istillian, and their teams for helping out with it. Iā€™m sorry that RL led me to miss so much of it, but was happy to help put together the scaffolding for it


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