Space Air Superiority Fighters
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Space Air Superiority Fighters are traditional fighters designed for atmospheric engagement. As such, they have lifting surfaces, tail wings, and some have jet engines, more efficient for atmospheric usage. Since it’s more likely to be detected, most SASF have electronic warfare components. Space Air Superiority Fighters use the prefix of “SASF.”
SASF-409 "Dagger" Series
SASF-409A “Lone Dagger”
The SASF-409A, also known as the Lone Dagger, called for the way it’s engines have been modified to be near silent, in atmosphere, being able to catch enemies by surprise. They also barely leave a wake, allowing for a Dagger to penetrate into enemy airspace via jamming and avoiding visual detection. The A variant is a single seater.
Seating Arrangement: Single
Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry, Archer Pod, APPGB, SHAGM
(4 Dart 4 ASMs, 8 Dart 3, 1 Archer Pod, 12 APPGB, 4 SHAGM)
Shielding: Phase Class II
SASF-409B “Training Dagger”
The SASF-409B is the training variant of the SASF-409A. It is a single seater.
Seating Arrangement: Single
Hard Point Arrangement: Internal Weapons Bay, Dart 4 ASMs, Dart 3 Anti Starcraft Weaponry, Archer Pod, APPGB, SHAGM
(4 Dart 4 ASMs, 8 Dart 3, 1 Archer Pod, 12 APPGB, 4 SHAGM)
Shielding: Phase Class I
SASF-412 "Balisong" Series
SASF-412A “Balisong”
The SASF-412A is a next generation space air superiority fighter. It’s a VTOL craft, being able to hover in place and fire. It’s engines are also modified to leave no wake and can operate perfectly in a saturated EW environment.
Seating Arrangement: Single
Hard Point Arrangement: IWB – 12x CSM-1XX Series, any, 24x Precision Guided Bombs, 1x Archer Pod
Shielding: Phase Class III
SASF-409B “Bali Trainer”
The SASF-412B is the training variant of the SASF-412A. It is a single seater.
Seating Arrangement: Single
Hard Point Arrangement: IWB – 12x CSM-1XX Series, any
Shielding: Phase Class I
SASF-412C “Double Edged Balisong”
The SASF-412C is a next generation space air superiority fighter. It’s a VTOL craft, being able to hover in place and fire. It’s engines are also modified to leave no wake and can operate perfectly in a saturated EW environment. It is a dual seater
Seating Arrangement: Dual 1x1
Hard Point Arrangement: IWB – 16x CSM-1XX Series, any, 36x Precision Guided Bombs, 1x Archer Pod
Shielding: Phase Class IV