Run-off elections for Officers of Committees



Office of the Speaker of the World Forum

Run-off elections for officers of committees of CLE and Health

Dear members of the World Forum,

after the last Speaker election, the elections of the Officer of the Committee for Climate and Environment and the Officer of the Committee for Health ended in a tie.

This duration of the elections is three (3) days. They close on November 8 2023 22:40 CET.

Officer of the Committee for Climate and Environment
  • FiHami
  • Gianatla
0 voters
Officer of the Committee for Health
  • Gianatla
  • Sedunn
0 voters

– Jan Saats, Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Republic of Eflad



Office of the Speaker of the World Forum

Run-off elections for officers of committees of CLE and Health

Dear members of the World Forum,

habemus legatos! I am happy to announce that Helene Meise from Gianatla has been elected as Officer of the Committee for Climate and Environment, and Tavtid Lekmienn from Sedunn has been elected as Officer of the Committee for Health.

My honest congratulations to both of you. I wish you only the best in your tenure and to make the best of it!

Jan Saats
Speaker of the World Forum, Ambassador for the Republic of Eflad