Roiwek Pact

The Roiwek Pact is an intergovernmental military and trade alliance between the UEA, and the PRSM.

Rules for joining:

  1. All member nations must provide military support to each other in a war.
  2. A vote will be held to let a new member into the alliance.
  3. All ideologies are allowed.
  4. All nuclear weapons must be put under the control of the Roiwek Pact nuclear control (RPNC).

How to join:

  1. Make an application.
  2. New members must agree to the rules of the alliance.

Application template:

Nation Name:
2 letter nation code:
Does nation have WMDs:
Reason of joining:

1 Like

OOC: Should I do this or not?

OOC: you can say no

OOC: I’m going to say no since I’m already in the Roiwek Pact