[Res.] Resolution on the Prevention of Human Trafficking

I thank the Gianatlan Ambassador for the additional amendments and therefore motion this Assembly to vote.

Ambassador Rinna Shadir
Ambassador of the Republic of Myria

Honourable Speaker,

The Sallodesian delegation hears the motion set forth by Myria and seconds the motion to vote!

Jengo Van Schalwyk
Ambassador to the World Forum of the Republic of Sallodesia

Honourable Delegates,

The Speaker hears the motion to vote on the proposal of the Myrian-Gianatlan delegation concerning the Ordinary Resolution on the Prevention of Human Trafficking and accepts the motion. Voting may start by voting Aye, Nay or Abstain.

Tudor Segărceanu
Speaker of the Assembly & Ambassador of the Kingdom of Stoinia

@LordGianni ping for WF Index. Also check this resolution first.