[Res.] Ceasefire Legislation for Ongoing conflict near the Gulf of Good Omen”

Submission by Pyhdon-Falistrica:

RE: Ongoing conflict near the Gulf of Good Omen


Pyhdon-Falistrica sends this appeal to the World Forum, concerning the situation in Milltaduk and the ongoing and escalating conflict in the region.

The recent unlawful acts of Zughlan pose a direct threat to the stability and the peace of the continent, and of the world. Zughlan’s annexation of territories, it’s illegal control and invasion over the nuclear facility, and the targeted cyber attack on Krauaganaz undermine international law and set a dangerous precedent.


  1. Zughlan’s actions violate International Norms: Zughlan’s unlawful invasion of Milltaduk and the seizure of the nuclear facilities doesn’t just attack a country in anarchy, but also increases the danger of nuclear proliferation
  2. Support: Pyhdon-Falistrica is on a common platform with Mitallduk, Krauanagaz, and Emerald for the immediate withdrawal of the Zuhlgan forces from occupied territories and a total end to hostilities. We urge the international community to enforce the withdrawal of military forces by Zughlan
  3. We request that the international community advocates into law a full ceasefire, under the conditions we will list.
  4. We also request humanitarian assistance in Milltaduk as the situation on the ground is dire

[ceasefire - Treaty of {city name} (if no-one stands up to it, Yayyara or Malheureuesement, Malheureuesement which is what i’ll write)]

The treaty of Malheureuesement,

Recognising the heinous war crimes and international violations committed by the Holy Dominion of Zughlan

Concerned about the state of the countries of Emerald and Milltaduk


  1. Krauanagaz cease it’s operations in Milltaduk and Zughlan
  2. Zughlan cease it’s offensive in Krauanagaz, Milltaduk and Emerald
  3. Milltaduk and Krauanagaz join together back into Krauanagaz
  4. Zughlan pays reparation of P$570,000,000 to the now joined country of Milltaduk and Krauanagaz
  5. Zughlan pays reparation of P$277,728,000 to the country of Emerald.
  6. Zughlan give up all invaded territory in the invaded regions in Krauanagaz
  7. Zughlan be prohibited from attacking anyone for 76 days
  8. Zughlan have a trade embargo for arms sales on it for 214 days
  9. The affected countries get immediate humanitarian aid

Treaty Signed:

Dr. Bazsen Saleem M. Al-Gassam

Dr. Bazsen S. M. Al-Gassam, President of the Two Republics of Pyhdon-Falistrica

Representative of Milltaduk

Representative of Krauanagaz

Representative of Zughlan

Representative of Emerald

Representative of Besern

Representative of World Forum

Document Signed:

Dr. Bazsen Saleem M. Al-Gassam

Dr. Bazsen S. M. Al-Gassam, President of the Two Republics of Pyhdon-Falistrica

Amrica Dagreata

Amrica Dagreata, Speaker of Pyhdon-Falistrica and Ambassador to the World Forum


Office of the Speaker of the World Forum

Although the intent is appreciated, resolutions in the World Forum must follow a standard template, consult the template for standard resolutions.

– Andreus Savvidis, Speaker of the World Forum, ambassador for the United Provinces of Rhayna

World Forum

RES #4

Emblem of the World Forum

Assembly of the World Forum

Distr.: General
c October 2024

Resolution 4 adopted by the Assembly on x October 2024

Ceasefire Legislation for Ongoing conflict near the Gulf of Good Omen

Pyhdon-Falistrica sends this appeal to the World Forum, concerning the situation in Milltaduk and the ongoing and escalating conflict in the region.

The recent unlawful acts of Zughlan pose a direct threat to the stability and the peace of the continent, and of the world. Zughlan’s annexation of territories, it’s illegal control and invasion over the nuclear facility, and the targeted cyber attack on Krauaganaz undermine international law and set a dangerous precedent.

Section A — Standard Measure(s) Adopted

  1. Calls for an immediate ceasefire in the Milltaduk Region

  2. Urges for the international community to help the people of Milltaduk

  3. Calls for the Zughlanis to not wage war for 12 years, and to back out of the regions it occupied

  4. Calls for Reparations paid from the Zughlani Bank Account

  5. Krauaganaz:

    1. Merges Back
    2. Stays merged under a government put together by the already-existing Local Governments

Section B — Explanation of Necessity and Proportionality

  1. Zughlan’s annexation ad cyberattacks threaten regional secutiyy

  2. Economic and Diplomatic Measures will curb and halt their agression

  3. Support for Milltaduk makes sure that it’s people stay alive after these events

Section C — Implementation

  1. The reparations be paid immediately to make sure that we don’t get another war

  2. A co-ordinated Humanitarian Response by the region, which Pyhdon will be taking a leading role in

  3. Regional peacekeeping initiatives to stop Zughlan from going to war

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Office of the Speaker of the World Forum

Although a template was used now, we find a error with the use of it, namely:

This resolution has not been yet adopted by the World Forum, as such, it should not be implied in the title of the resolution by the use of current date. Instead, the title of the resolution should be “Resolution # adopted by the Assembly on DD Month YYYY”.

Besides the format errors, we also have doubts about discussing a resolution with no descriptions or introduction to the subject. Although not obligatory in technicality, the members of the World Forum would benefit greatly from clear definitions for the concepts used in this resolution and an introduction to the subject before voting or seconding the start of a vote.

Please reformat your submission to adjust to these guidelines

(and an out of character recommendation, please read other resolutions threads to gain an idea of how the process and format works, for example in this Standard Resolution on Situation in Akarina, and change the name of the thread to “[Res.] Ceasefire Legislation for Ongoing conflict near the Gulf of Good Omen”)

– Andreus Savvidis, Speaker of the World Forum, ambassador for the United Provinces of Rhayna


The Federal Republic of Gianatla cannot agree to the current resolution text. While in principle the WF should work towards a peace in the area and one can discuss adopting standard measures, the proposed text does not do so. The wording is also not fitting for this organisation.
I suggest taking Speaker Savvidis’ advise to heart and reintroduce an improved version of the resolution, that’s also in line with WFR 1d.

Helene Meise
Vice-Speaker of the World Forum
Ambassador for the Federal Republic of Gianatla


The Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan rejects Resolution 4 in its entirety.

We categorically deny the accusations leveled against our nation. The so-called annexation and invasion claims are false narratives pushed by states with ulterior motives to stifle our sovereignty. Zuhlgan has operated within our sovereign rights— nothing more, nothing less.

We regard the cyberattack allegations as baseless and without evidence, typical of the smear campaigns intended to vilify our nation on the world stage. Furthermore, demands for reparations are laughable— Zuhlgan owes no one a single coin for protecting what is rightfully ours.

This resolution, filled with unrealistic demands, disregards Zuhlgan’s legitimate security concerns and intrudes on our internal affairs. If the world seeks peace, we suggest that Pyhdon-Falistrica refrain from meddling in issues they neither understand nor have a stake in. Zuhlgan will not be lectured by hypocrites masquerading as peacekeepers.

Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan
Delegate to the World Forum
Autark Kula H’kara

The Federation of Krauanagaz finds Resolution 4 both insufficient and misguided. This resolution does too little, too late. The call for a 60-day ceasefire is laughable— 60 days won’t undo two decades of aggression and destabilization wrought by Zuhlgan. Nor does it address the gravity of Zuhlgan’s illegal acts, including the occupation of sovereign territories and the cyberattack that compromised our nation’s infrastructure.

Moreover, the notion of a foreign-managed government in Krauanagaz is insulting and unacceptable. Krauanagaz does not and will not answer to an international caretaker regime, nor do we need foreign interference to manage our affairs.

We demand not vague talking points but decisive, punitive actions against Zuhlgan. Reparations are a non-negotiable starting point, but without further sanctions and military deterrence, this resolution is little more than paper diplomacy— and we will not stand by while our nation is treated as an afterthought.

Krauanagaz Federation
World Forum Ambassador
Ryalla T’igarzi

Not 60 days, 60 years

The People’s Republic of San Marsico cannot agree with Resolution 4 currently. As a 60 day ceasefire should be increased to a 3-4 year ceasefire, possibly a longer one for re-stabilization efforts by international partners.

We’ve seen a bit of stabilization over the past few weeks with Krauanagaz able to presidental elections admist a full-scale war. San Marsico supports a government put together by the international community, but will vote for a government still controlled by Kraunanagaz. We ask the Two Republics of Phydon-Fallistra for more specific details on both the merger of Krauanagaz, and Mitlltaduk, and how Phydon-Fallistra intends on dealing with infrastructure projects in Krauanagaz, Zhulgan, and Milltaduk.

People’s Republic of San Marsico
Ambassador for the People’s Republic of San Marsico
Jala Anjik