Regional moderation reform package

But how has the Local Council not had a rigorously defined role? Its role is defined to include encouraging activity. That’s not unclear. And if it’s not happening, ‘making our laws clearer’ is not a solution because they’re already plenty clear,

I generally agree that ‘extensions to reach out to the region’ are beneficial, although I think that should be a central component of what the Ministry of Culture and our government as a whole does rather than this super special job for a specific group of people. Just because having two entities might not be hurting anyone doesn’t mean we can’t improve this system by shedding unnecessary bureaucracy and tasking our government as a whole to address the needs of the entire region — as it should.

I think both of your points here boil down to the idea that the RMB needs a voice. I agree! I just think that everyone in our region gets a voice already, especially because it’s now easier than ever to create an account here on the forums and because we have discussions in progress that would make it easier for people to participate in (more secure) elections without having to participate elsewhere on the forums if they’re simply not interested.

If we actually implement the Local Council as an extension of the Ministry of Culture, then, as you point out, the RMB would be voting for an institution that isn’t even autonomous. What if we just skipped that step and made it easier for anyone in our region who is here in good faith to make their voice heard in Minister of Culture and/or Cabinet elections? Doesn’t that amplify the voices of RMBers?