Proposal for security council - Pedestrian Road Safety Declaration

Hi everyone, I was noting the reduced number of security council proposals so I thought I would resurrect my old draft.

Title: Pedestrian Road Safety Declaration
Category: Declaration | Type: Declare |

The World Assembly,

Aware that GA resolution 83 applies only to international commercial road vehicles and establishes the International Transport Safety Committee to maintain road standards.

Also aware that not all nations use roads in their country

Also aware that road safety for pedestrians can be improved to reduce pedestrian deaths in all nations that have roads.


  1. Urges all member nations to have proper road signage for pedestrian safety at street crossings for vehicles to stop to allow for better pedestrian movement, such as marked street crossings, stop signs, traffic lights, or installed or portable inflatable Gandalf’s;
  2. Encourages citizens of member states to speak of for their safety in their local governance by improving road signage and installing or providing inflatable Gandalfs.
  3. Encourages pedestrians to safely cross streets by crossing at marked street crossings or by using government provided installed or portable inflatable gandalfs to shout, “you shall not pass”.

Hoping for feedback/suggestions for improvement


  1. Why a declaration? I don’t have the SC badge :person_shrugging:. I also don’t want to block a WA proposal that could legislate it.
  2. When do you hope to submit it? April 1, 2025, my timezone, but hey, it can go earlier if need be like Jan 5, 2025 which would match the 20th anniversary of the original proposal
  3. Why gandalf? This is a joke connecting to a 2005 UN proposal. see Inflatable Gandalf Act - NSindex
  4. when did you start this? apparently Jan 2023 according to the version history
  5. why did you start this? Hippos are really very large, my friend. this is another joke to a ancient proposal NationStates | World Assembly Resolutions
  6. no really, why did you start it?
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This really feels like it should be in the GA

I think the idea is it would be very illegal/won’t pass the GA due to sheer silliness, but just might work as a declaration.

@Mavenu I promise I’ll take a close look sometime. Please just keep pinging me incessantly.

Also why 2025? When there is plenty of 2024 left to submit the proposal?

As a humorous SC proposal, April fools day seems fitting.

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Imagine if this gets passed-

It’s a declaration on the sc side so nothing happens. :joy:

This is a work of art. I have no capacity to advise on whether it is legal or could be put to a vote, but it has my support if it makes it there.

I want to see this passed not because of the topic but because you are from the south pacific

Ping :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you really have to grave dig this? /s

hey, @lordnwahs asked me to ping him incessantly to remind them to review the proposal :person_shrugging:

Good point

Yes, and I still promise to eventually get back to you on it :sweat: